Grab my button!

See that cute purple creature in my side bar? That’s my new blog button!
My husband drew it for me with pencil and water colour. The initial sketch was inspired by this picture of me with my white hat and purple dress, he simplified it and make it cuter than ever ^.^

Here he is at work:
Finishing touch Sketches

And the result!

Unfortunately, the letters become unreadable once the picture is resized. So I cut out the blue balloon and change the letterings.

Here’s the final result! \(^.^)/

If you want to link to me, you can grab my button by copying and pasting the code below. Thank you!


Filed under life / .

8 Responses to Grab my button!

  1. Thank you Nomaliza, but I don't think I can do that. Maybe I'll make a tutorial someday.
    I suggested you do some google search to create the button. There's really plenty of them.

  2. Hi, I really love your button! How exactly is to create the code? None of me and husband know much about creating the code. If I have a picture, can u care to create the code for me?

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