Tag Archives: instagram

A wedding in Saturday

A wedding in Saturday

  Sidra’s father got married last weekend. We weren’t able to come due to several reasons, but Sidra’s father came up with this wonderful idea to ask someone (which is his brother) to hold an iPhone during the wedding ceremony so the three of us could view it live via Skype! Yay for technology! Several… Continue Reading

I’m home!

I’m home!

Boxes are in every rooms and I still couldn’t find all my sewing accessories. But the internet was finally installed yesterday so I’m now connected to the world! I sew in the dining room now because the room was quite large and the view is beautiful. I wanted to try sewing while standing up to… Continue Reading

Weekend, March

Weekend, March

Last Saturday we went to meet Doraemon and his friends! Actually, we went to Fujiko F. Fujio museum in Kawasaki. If you’re familiar with the blue earless robot cat, Fujiko F.Fujio is the man who created this anime character. The museum was just opened in September last year, so it is pretty new. The tickets had to… Continue Reading

Snow day

Snow day

We don’t usually have too much snow here in Tokyo, but today I woke up to 20 cm thick of snow on the doorstep! It is quite strange, I’m already feeling ready for spring and suddenly it is in the middle of winter again?! Anyway, everything looks beautiful covered in thick snow. Also, a sneak… Continue Reading

Weekend, January

Weekend, January

Last weekend, Sidra joined a workshop class at the community center. It was just around ten minutes biking from home, so my husband and I went with him there. Then we spent the time waiting for Sidra by walking around the temple and the woods around the community center. It was a rare occasion because… Continue Reading

Manza, Gunma Prefecture

Manza, Gunma Prefecture

A couple of days ago, we went for a short trip to Manza in Gunma prefecture, an area for ski and onsen (hot spring) resort. It was about 6 hours bus trip from Tokyo. We spent the first night on the bus there, and the second night at Manza Prince Hotel. The scenery was so… Continue Reading

Weekend, November

Weekend, November

Last Saturday was observation day at Sidra’s school. My husband and I went to see teachers and students in class. There was also an art exhibition at the school hall, showing creations from all students: embroideries, sculptures, paintings. So lovely. pictures from my Instagram Continue Reading