Tag Archives: beetle

ima made zuuto zuuto arigatou gozaimashita

ima made zuuto zuuto arigatou gozaimashita

Redojiimu, our hercules beetle, died last week. Sidra was playing with his friends when he noticed that Redojiimu hadn’t moved for sometime. Although he knew that Redojiimu wouldn’t live long once he turned into a beetle, Sidra was hoping that Redojiimu would stay with us at least until autumn, so he was sad. We were very… Continue Reading

Hercules beetle!

Hercules beetle!

There were some crackling sound from inside our larva box when we woke up this morning. My husband peeked inside the box and found this huge beetle! After two years of waiting, our larva has emerged as a huge Hercules beetle last night! I completely missed his pupa stage, which is in between the larva and… Continue Reading

Here she goes again with the wriggling pet

Here she goes again with the wriggling pet

Sorry if you don’t like our cute pet! It’s time to change the soil again for our Colombian Hercules larva. Today was such a shiny day, it was nice because the larva wouldn’t get exposed too long to the cold autumn weather. We keep the larva in a big plastic case filled with special soil… Continue Reading

Soil change for our larva!

Soil change for our larva!

Warning: wriggly thing pictures ahead! This morning, the three of us woke up in excitement  because today was the soil change day for our larva! It can only be done every 3-4 months, so this occasion is something that we are always waiting for. It has been almost a year since we bought the larva,… Continue Reading



You know, we actually have pet in the house, although I rarely talked about it. But we’ve almost never seen it around because it is living in a plastic box buried under a heap of soil. In fact, it hardly can be called a pet at all, because we can’t, you know, pet it or… Continue Reading