Category Archives: life

Earthquake today

Earthquake today

A quick news. A big earthquake happened around 3 pm today. I was really scared because I’ve never experienced earthquake that big before. Books were falling off the shelves and the building was shaking. Several aftershocks was coming afterwards. I went to school to pick Sidra up, the kids were already out in the schoolyard… Continue Reading

In my mail today

In my mail today

Look at this picture! Isn’t he sooo adorable? You can immediately imagine him running around happily in the cape, pretending he could fly. His name is Diego and he lives in London. Diego just gave another chance of life to Sidra’s winter cape that has become too small. It is one of several Sidra’s clothes… Continue Reading

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Cleaning up – CLOSED

Cleaning up – CLOSED

We cleaned up our wardrobe a couple of days ago, separating them into different piles. The supposedly easy task turned out to be not that easy! Some clothes are of course easy to be put away. Store-bought clothes who were ripped, stained, or damaged beyond repair, they were put together to be thrown away later… Continue Reading



It’s 2011! I want to wish you a wonderful year ahead! We spent New Year’s Eve at home, just the three of us, eating pizza and playing games. The day before, we just got back from two days vacation in Kusatsu, a small city in Gunma prefecture. It’s about 4 hours bus trip from Tokyo.… Continue Reading

Merii Kurisumasu!

Merii Kurisumasu!

This year is the first time Sidra got presents for Christmas, and they were even properly wrapped and stacked under our mini Christmas tree! Of course all the presents are from me and my husband, as there are only the three of us in the family. I bought small things like socks, slippers, and some… Continue Reading

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