Category Archives: life

A Bit of This and A Bit of That

A Bit of This and A Bit of That

Thank you for all the wonderful messages for Sidra’s birthday! I read them all to him and he asked me: “Who are they, Mama?” 😀 Internet can be a wonderful place sometimes, don’t you think? My husband and I gave him a set of kobito DVD and karuta (Japanese card game). Sidra had been wanting… Continue Reading

Filed under life / .
Once Upon A Thread: Minna no Kobito (みんなのこびと)

Once Upon A Thread: Minna no Kobito (みんなのこびと)

Don’t miss my guest post today for Once upon a Thread at Katy’s blog, No Big Dill! This is a whole month event devoted to projects inspired by children books. Isn’t that sweet? Katy is so full of ideas! In addition, several wonderful people around the blogland are invited to share their projects, and I’m very… Continue Reading

Japan Quake Appeal Raffle winner

Thank you for all your participation in my raffle for Japan Quake Appeal! I used to choose a random winner today and the winner is: Marga! Congratulations, Marga! I will contact your email shortly. Please continue your support for the quake and tsunami victims. Here’s a link to Save The Children: Japan Earthquake Tsunami… Continue Reading

Japan Quake Appeal Auction: Jigoku (Hell)

Japan Quake Appeal Auction: Jigoku (Hell)

We had three days weekend because of Spring Equinox holiday. Sidra wasn’t feeling well and we were still really not in the mood for going out too much, so we spent the weekend doing things at home. My husband spent time by finishing his watercolor drawing for the raffle. It depicts a bunny in the process… Continue Reading

Japan Quake Appeal Raffle

Japan Quake Appeal Raffle

I only have a pair of little hands that can offer small things. But many little hands will make bigger things. Here’s a raffle, in cooperation with A Bit of This and a Bit of That, where you can make a donation and win this package of prizes! a tote bag made with canvas in black with… Continue Reading

Four days after the quake

Thank you so much for all your messages and comments! I’m sorry that I can’t reply to every messages so please accept our deepest gratitude! We are still here in Tokyo. My husband hasn’t gone to the office because of limited train schedule but his job allow him to work from home. Stores are started to… Continue Reading

He’s home!

He’s home!

After FIVE hours walking nonstop, one train trip, and 15 minutes biking from our station, my husband is finally home! Red eyes, blisters on the heels, freezing ears and all, but we’re together at last! I feel like I’m going to cry now T_T He said that there were a lot of people walking home… Continue Reading