Category Archives: life

Manza, Gunma Prefecture

Manza, Gunma Prefecture

A couple of days ago, we went for a short trip to Manza in Gunma prefecture, an area for ski and onsen (hot spring) resort. It was about 6 hours bus trip from Tokyo. We spent the first night on the bus there, and the second night at Manza Prince Hotel. The scenery was so… Continue Reading

Life begins today

Life begins today

On my tenth birthday, I decided that I wanted to die before the age of forty. Yeah I was a strange little girl, I drew a tomb with my name on it and ravens flying over it. My mother was not amused when she found the drawing. At that time, forty seemed so far away,… Continue Reading

Weekend, November

Weekend, November

Last Saturday was observation day at Sidra’s school. My husband and I went to see teachers and students in class. There was also an art exhibition at the school hall, showing creations from all students: embroideries, sculptures, paintings. So lovely. pictures from my Instagram Continue Reading

Weekend, October

Weekend, October

Not much sewing/crafting done lately, but here’s a bunch of silliness that can be usually spotted in any Madame Tussauds exhibition.     Madame Tussauds temporary exhibition at Decks Tokyo Beach Mall in Odaiba, run until January 4, 2012. Continue Reading

Making tempeh

Making tempeh

Now that the summer holiday is over and school has started again, I should have time to sew again! Unfortunately I guess the summer bug has got me, it is so hot in my sewing room upstair that I prefer to stay downstair most of the time. I’m trying to make a dress right now with… Continue Reading

Summer vacation 2011

Summer vacation 2011

We’re finally home after the vacation in Indonesia! Sidra enjoys meeting people, so he really loved his time there, meeting grandparents and other family members, going to places and seeing interesting things. Our families live in different cities in indonesia, so we had to make several trips by cars and local airplanes to see them, and… Continue Reading

Mother’s handmade clothes

Mother’s handmade clothes

My late father was an engineer but he also loved photography. All of these pictures were taken by him in the sixties, he and my mother were married in 1962. My mother made all the clothes herself using hand-cranked sewing machine. Later my late father bought her the white Janome, who had pretty advanced technology… Continue Reading

My mother’s Janome

My mother’s Janome

We’re still on summer vacation in Indonesia right now and have visited Jakarta, Jogjakarta, and Bandung where all our families are living. My mother lives in Jogjakarta and I had the chance to take pictures of her old Janome sewing machine. My late father rarely bought things for my mother, and this sewing machine was… Continue Reading