Category Archives: life

Goodbye Shiitake and Hello Shoronpo!

Goodbye Shiitake and Hello Shoronpo!

Shiitake finally found his forever family after more than three months in foster care! I was beginning to worry that he wouldn’t get adopted because he was so shy of strangers. Shiitake was fine at home with us, but at the adoption events he would hide in a corner so nobody would see him.He befriended another foster dog called… Continue Reading

Okowa the Chihuahua

Okowa the Chihuahua

We’ve got a newcomer yesterday! Meet our new foster dog, Okowa the Chihuahua! Okowa is a 14 years old female chihuahua who had to go to ARK shelter since her owner was hospitalized and can no longer take care of her. It is very sad to think that she has been loved her whole life and then… Continue Reading

Izu, Shizuoka

Izu, Shizuoka

If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen some of these pictures from our recent vacation. We spent three days last week in Izu area: Shimoda city, Shirahama beach, and Izu Kogen. It has been too long since we had a holiday. Last summer we didn’t go anywhere because we have just moved… Continue Reading

Goodbye Bashu

Goodbye Bashu

I’ve been feeling a bit broken-hearted these couple of days since Bashu left. I know, I know, don’t let yourself get too attached. It turned out easier said than done. And Bashu had been with us for only two weeks! Last Friday my husband and I took her to ARK office to meet her adopter.… Continue Reading