Category Archives: life

Blog problem

Blog problem

Several readers have been having problems accessing my blog. I really don’t know what’s causing it as other people don’t seem to have it. I’ve tried cleaning up the codes to see if that might help, but the problem is still there. Maybe it has got to do with old cache of my blog. So… Continue Reading

Sesame photoshoot

Sesame photoshoot

About a week ago, Sesame magazine (a Japanese kid’s fashion magazine) contacted us and invited Sidra for a photoshoot. This is the second time Sidra had a photoshoot with them, the first one was done in Tottori, just two months after Sidra and me moved to Japan. This time, they wanted to photograph Sidra in… Continue Reading

My truly honest scrap

My truly honest scrap

Still no new sewing projects. I’m so sorry, these last few days have been so cold I stay in the living room most of the time, curling in the couch like a spoiled cat. But here’s an ‘Honest Scrap Award’ that Trudy from ‘Sewing with Trudy’ has awarded me recently. Thank you, Trudy! Sorry for… Continue Reading

Filed under life / .


A short trip to Suwako, a little town in Nagano prefecture. Once there, we took a short bus trip to Kirigamine Ski Grounds to find more snow and play slide. It’s the first snow for me and Sidra! We stayed one night in a hotel by the Lake Suwa, and had a very nice dinner… Continue Reading

New Year

New Year

This is a New Year card that Sidra made yesterday. The writing says: あけましておめでとうございます (akemashite omedetou gozaimasu = happy new year). He drew a tiger’s head there because next year will be the year of the Tiger. The blue building with television antennae on the far right is our apartment building. Tonight is the second… Continue Reading

Filed under life / .


Iro-iro is a Japanese word for ‘a bit of this and that’ , and that’s what this post is all about. ^.^ I want to say thank you for all the comments in my last post, and also for all the emails! They mean so much to me and I’m sure that everybody has nothing but… Continue Reading

Happy holiday and moving time!

Happy holiday and moving time!

It’s getting nearer to the end of another year,  and this blog has been chronicling my crafting life since almost the last 2 years I’ve been living in Tokyo. It’s time for a little change. So my name is Novita, and my internet personality name is verypurpleperson, but my blog address is verypurplestuffs, while the… Continue Reading