Category Archives: life



You know, we actually have pet in the house, although I rarely talked about it. But we’ve almost never seen it around because it is living in a plastic box buried under a heap of soil. In fact, it hardly can be called a pet at all, because we can’t, you know, pet it or… Continue Reading

Fashion treasure

Fashion treasure

Do you have a fashion treasure? This coat is one of mine. It used to belong to my mother, she bought it in a small shop in France more than thirty years ago when she and my father went for a trip around Europe. The coat is unlined blue and white purl knit, the white… Continue Reading

New sewing machine!

New sewing machine!

The bad news is, my Janome Agneau d’Or Y101 is now officially dead. We took it to a Janome dealer last week, a little shop in a nice small street. A nice woman greeted us and she gasped when we showed her a piece of fabric with loopy stitches on it.  She then tried to… Continue Reading

Health talk

Oh I hate not posting about sewing again! But in the past two weeks, my health has been in an on and off mode. Sidra caught the virus first, and as usual I caught it from him. My husband, who is stronger, caught it later. As a result, after Sidra and I got better, I… Continue Reading

Sidra in Sesame magazine – Spring issue 10

Sidra in Sesame magazine – Spring issue 10

These pictures are from Sesame magazine, spring issue 2010, that was published this month. Sidra participated in  a picture article featuring children from several countries. That’s one page of him in the traditional Javanese clothes and a little interview on the side. The pictures were taken last month at Sesame studio. I really love this magazine, not (just)… Continue Reading

Wedding anniversary

Wedding anniversary

Today is our second wedding anniversary.  Sometimes it feels like we’ve been together for a long time, but sometimes it feels so fresh and new. Since it’s our special day, I would like to share a short story about us. Maybe not that short. The first time we knew about each other was in 2006. He… Continue Reading



That’s me, standing in front of my house under the snow rain at 10:30 pm, grinning from ear to ear. You can’t blame me because it’s the first snow I’ve experienced since moving to Japan! Oh sure, I’ve had my first encounter with snow before in Suwako, but it sure feels different when the snow… Continue Reading

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