Category Archives: life

Meeting Yoshimi

Meeting Yoshimi

Do you recognize these bags? Yes, on the right side is my bag, and the pretty bag with rosettes is Yoshimi’s bag! They were sitting together side by side on a wooden bench inside an Indonesian restaurant in Shinjuku. Yoshimi and I spent a day together  last Saturday, it was a bit cold and cloudy… Continue Reading

Tagging game: Number 8

Tagging game: Number 8

This is a picture that my husband took two years ago when Sidra and I were about to go to IKEA, a week after we arrived in Tokyo. We needed to buy some furniture because our apartment was a bit empty after my husband got rid of his ‘single’ furniture. You know, single couch, single… Continue Reading

Filed under life / .
Golden week 2010

Golden week 2010

The end of April through around May 5th is called Golden Week in Japan since there are many public holidays during this period. We spent the holiday in the Okutama mountain area. Okutama is quite near to Tokyo, so instead of spending the nights, we made two one day trips there. My husband loves hiking… Continue Reading

Wardrobe inventory

Wardrobe inventory

There is an interesting project going on at Zoe’s blog where she would only wear her own handmade clothes for a month. Last month, Zoe challenged herself in the Me-Made-March where she posted her daily handmade outfit and how she coordinated them. And this month, she invited other people to participate. So if you want… Continue Reading

Hat giveaway! – CLOSED

Hat giveaway! – CLOSED

Remember this hat? I made it for a friend of mine but then I changed my mind and made another type of hat for her. I’ve never worn the hat since it is not really my style. So now that I have one extra hat, I think that maybe one of you will like to… Continue Reading