
Moving Moving
This is the state of my sewing room as of right now. As you can see, it is not very inspiring. But there’s a good reason for all this mess, that is: we’re moving!

Not too far though, maybe about a couple of miles from here. About a month ago, my husband finally got his permanent resident status. We started looking for a house after that, thinking that it might take months before we found something that we like. As it turned out, we fell in love with the first house that the agent took us to see. It is located uphills near the lake and park. That lake and park were the main reason my husband chose this area to live, so he’s very happy that finally he found a house so near to them.

After that, everything went unbelievably fast I still can’t believe it. We’re moving there in a week! This is one of the big turning point in my life. I’m so excited and terrified at the same time. All my life I’ve always been moving around, never to stay in one place more than several years. Is it true that this time I will stay for a long time? I was so stressed out thinking about it that I spent Golden Week holidays sick with cold and various allergy attacks (-_-“)

But life goes on! This is going to be a very exciting journey. I have my loved ones beside me, so it is our journey together. I guess I was so alone in my life before this, that the word ‘together’ (for a long time) hasn’t really sunk in my mind. A journey together, it sounds so sweet.

Moving Moving

19 Responses to Moving!

  1. Just found your blog while perusing the blogosphere 😉 i also moved into a new house, about a month ago with my boyfriend and i am very happy! I wish you the best of luck with your new house 😉 i also love sewing! But i am a newbie, still i am so addicted, it is so fun to create your own clothes…

  2. I’m excited for you! Moving can be stressful but think of it… your own home! I hope you will share a few pictures when you can ;O)

  3. Oh my gosh, I’m so excited for you guys! How lovely! I’m so glad that you are experiencing togetherness. :) My husband and I have our 6th anniversary on Sunday, and it will be the longest that I’ve lived in one place. It’s such a strange feeling!

    • Congratulations!
      I know what you mean about the strange feeling! Strange, but exciting! 😀

  4. I can so relate to this story, and have experienced the same sense of “permanence” with my family. It’s so new to me, has taken getting used to, but I believe the journey will be just as sweet. Congratulations to you and the family!

  5. Congratulations!! Permanent status is wonderful. No matter how you may feel about the house, not worrying that your beloved may be unceremoniously tossed out and that you may have to emigrate along will give you much more of a feeling of stability. You can always move again, try not to focus on the ‘forever’ feeling so you don’t feel trapped :-).

  6. Congrats :) can’t wait to see your new sewing room, hehe….I just recently interested to sewing, and start learning to sew. Your blog is an eye candy for me :)

  7. I love moving and changing places/cities/countries! But I understand that not everybody is the same. We’ve just moved 1 month ago! So excited! Especially because of my own sewing room ^.^

    Happy moving!

  8. I love a song by the strokes that goes “ten decisions shape your life, you’ll be aware of five about”. I found this post really happy, and I really enjoyed being able to read it. I’m always very inspired by big decisions and changes; not only mine, but also when it’s about someone else. I don’t think “settling down” and being comfortable with who/what/where you are is a bad thing at all, but when you decide to make a huge turn, make a change, and take a risk, it just makes me feel happy. To me it means we are alive, and that we are quite aware of it, and that we don’t want to leave without accomplishing/trying new and different things. As Neil Gaiman would say: “kiss a lover, dance a measure, find your name
    and buried treasure. Face your life, it’s pain, it’s pleasure, leave no path untaken.”

    Now go and be happy in your new home! Good luck :)

    • Such an insightful look! I love the quote of the song. Changes are indeed part of life, to be aware of them makes me feel alive.
      Thank you so much Agostina!

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