
I have had this book, ‘The Art of Manipulating Fabric’ by Colette Wolff for some time, it is sort of wonderful textbook of any kind of fabric manipulation. Ruffles, gatherings, shirrings, pleats, darts, anything.

The Art of Manipulating Fabric blue Blue

I really like the book and read it several times already. But as much as I enjoyed reading it, I felt a little bit guilty for not using it for a real project. I finally used one of the technique, called single-shell ruffle for this blue dress. The blue fabric is double-gauze cotton by Nani IRO. I just love all fabrics from this Nani IRO collection, the colour are like watercolour painting and they’re also comfortable to wear.

The front of the dress has a single pleat where I sewed a pair of single-shell ruffles. The shape of the dress is kinda loose, I want to be able to layer it with long-sleeves T-shirt and thick leggings for this cold season. The hem on the sleeves are wide so I can turn the sleeves up. Then I put a pair of plastic orange buttons on the front of the dress.

Well, the result looks a bit like little girl’s dress, but then all my dresses look like little girl’s dresses, so that’s okay ^.^

Blue Blue

Blue Blue

19 Responses to Blue

  1. This dress is so very cute, I am definitely interested in what other great ideas that book has to offer, I may just have to go out and get one for myself

  2. Thank you everyone! The book is really wonderful, there's a lot of techniques that I want to try.

    Wafaa, yes, that's my other talent, floating in the air…. No, actually it's just a jumping while keeping a straight face picture 😛

  3. Great addition to the dress! I also have had that book for many years, and just love paging through all the different techniques.

  4. So nice ! I love simple things and details? This dress sounds just perfect to me, I think I should have a look at this book to !

  5. I have this book too and so glad you wrote this – I need to get it out and go through it for wonderful inspiration – love what you did in Blue!

  6. I just realized I have this book, our landlord must have left it in the apartment, I'm sure it's not mine! I have never even opened it, but I will this weekend. Thanks for the great tip, and I love the dress, dresses are all I really wear these days, they're just so comfy and chic at the same time. love your sneakers, too.

  7. That is the most beautiful dress! I think you are so very clever indeed. I hope you have so much fun wearing it and that lots of people stop you in the street to ask you where you got it from. X

  8. Lovely! I've been curious about the Nani Iro fabrics and I think I might just have to buy some at last, it looks so stylishly cosy.

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