Maikeru Jakuson

Maikeru Jakuson
Sidra: Mama, when I grow up, I wanna be Maikeru Jakuson!
Mama: Oh? That’s good. Why do you wanna be like Michael Jakson?
Sidra: Because he’s a great dancer!

Sidra: Ma, which one is greater, Maikeru Jakuson or Obama?
Mama: Uh… well… they’re different. I don’t think we can compare them.
Sidra: What can Obama do?
Mama: Obama? Let’s see… what can he do? He’s smart, he’s the president of USA.
Sidra: Is that it? Can he dance?
Mama: Well, I don’t think he can dance.
Sidra: Then Maikeru Jakuson is the greater one!

Sidra: Ma, how many Maikeru Jakuson are there?
Mama: Huh? There’s only one of him. What do you mean?
Sidra: But why does he have different faces?
Mama: …

Filed under life / .

17 Responses to Maikeru Jakuson

  1. Mwohahaha on the many faces. Rolling Stones Indonesia once wrote an article, about which I forgot, but mentioned the late Michael Jackson to be the biggest liar of all time pointing out the fact that he was by birth a black but spent half of his life appearing as a white.

    When MJ was alive, I found this quite amusing. Now that he's not, it's rather ironic.

  2. Thank you for all the comments!
    I think by now I have memorized Michael Jackson's songs because Sidra demands to listen to them 100 times everyday ^.^

    Soybean, glad that you like the bag! I'm happy when I can make something useful for people. Thank you for buying the bag!

  3. I love Sidra's questions and line of thinking. BTW, I purchased one of your bags from your etsy shop and have been using it regularly ever since! Now my mom wants one.

  4. what kids say is ridiculously funny and brutal, sometimes, at the same time!

    p.s. Obama can dance too. well, different kind of dance… I think I saw him dance with his wife.

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