My mother’s Janome

Vintage Janome sewing machine
Vintage Janome sewing machine

We’re still on summer vacation in Indonesia right now and have visited Jakarta, Jogjakarta, and Bandung where all our families are living. My mother lives in Jogjakarta and I had the chance to take pictures of her old Janome sewing machine.

Vintage Janome sewing machine

My late father rarely bought things for my mother, and this sewing machine was one of them. It was bought almost forty years ago. I remember that my mother often used it to make dolls and clothes for her children.

Vintage Janome sewing machine
Sewing machine tools

The sewing machine has many stitches just like modern sewing machine. To change the stitches, a black cartridge disc with the designated stitch has to be put into the sewing machine. The discs are stored in a special plastic case, I used to play with them when I was a kid. A chart shows how the stitch length and tension should be adjusted. The green lines on the chart show the adjustment for using twin needles.

Vintage Janome sewing machine
Stitch cartridge and chart

The sewing machine came with a box of sewing machine feet and tools. Throughout the years my mother has acquired more sewing machine feet and they are all stored in the box. The back row is all rolled hem feet! I don’t know why she has so many of them. On the front row is various feet, I don’t know what they are all for.

Sewing machine feet
Sewing machine feet

It is one tough sewing machine! Mother still used it until now to make house clothes for herself. She’s 71 years old this year and she said that sewing her own clothes is a good exercise for her. Of course my mother also cooks, tends chickens, grows a small mushroom farm and some potted plants, and has morning walk regularly.
Mushroom farm Mushroom farm Mini chickens Plants

24 Responses to My mother’s Janome

  1. Dear Mba Novita,

    Sekarang udah balik lagi ke Jpn, ya? Alhamdulillah, saya “nemu” mesin Janome persis seperti punya Ibu saya. Karena sudah lama ga’ dipake & sering berpindah2 tempat, black cartridge disc & chartnya udah ga’ tau pada kemana. Bisa minta tolong kasih info, ga’, Mba, di Yogya ada ga tempat jual black cartridge disc & chartnya? Saya pengen sekali menggunakan mesin tsb termasuk pattern2nya…. Mau praktek apa yang saya lihat di website Mba Novita ini…..:). Sebelumnya matur suwun, ya, Mba. (Esti – Palembang)

    • Hai Esti,
      maaf saya ngga tau di Yogya ada ngga tempat yang menjual cartridge dan chart, soalnya ngga pernah nyari juga sih.
      Mudah-mudahan nanti ketemu ya tempatnya.

      • Iya, Mba’…
        Mudah-mudahan saya bisa dapat apa yang saya cari…. Selamat berkarya, Mba’, hasil karya Mba’ Novita keren-keren… (saya orang ke berapa yang bilang seperti ini, ya…? :) )

  2. Thank you for sharing these photos! I love the fact that the machine came with a stitch guide showing what the settings needed to be to achieve that stitch! I just bought my first machine in February of this year and I’m still trying to figure out the 5 (yes – only 5!) stitches that it does. Being a beginner sew-er, I decided to start simple and work my way up! I love the clothes you sew, and the things about your family. But the beetle, not so much!! LOL!! 😉

  3. What a gorgeous sewing machine! Have you had a sew on it while you have been on holidays? It would be very interesting to use.

  4. This is a lovely post! Imagine if your mom had been able to blog about her life over the years, too. I love how I have this image in my head of your mother, although you only described her everyday life with words and pictures.

  5. The reason she has so many hem foot are because they all make a slightly different width rolled hem. I probably have just as many, but rarely use them all.

  6. I inherited an old singer from my mom and it still works well today. i love old machines and your mothers looks like it’s been used a lot. funny that you also have janome today,don’t you, kind of new generation… your mom is certainly keeping herself busy, that’s remarkable!

  7. How wonderful to see this–so loved and used! And I love the farm photos. My mother is also very active in sewing, small farming and gardening–it’s inspiring.

  8. wow, thats a treasure and she kept the machine and the tools well too and so lovely to hear you back homeland for holidays and visiting .. enjoy my dear lovely gifted friend .. mmwahx!

  9. this is awesome. those old sewing machines are so precious and it’s interesting that the several stitches come in cartriges.
    your mom is blessed for being so vital still and that she’s able to do so many good things. i hope she’ll be able to do so for many many more years.

  10. How wonderful. My mother passed away two years ago and I inherited her dream machine, a brand new Janome. She only had it a year, but she loved every minute of it. It’s very special to me. You are blessed to have time with your mother still.

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