One Rookie Knitter

I’ve never, ever, learned to knit before. I’ve never even encountered a single knitting needles in my entire life. However, after residing in Japan for the last 7 months and witnessing so many knitted objects, clothing, and books around me, not to mention that knitted stuffs are very useful for autumn/winter, I started to get curious. After all, I need something that I can do outside the sewing room.

I went out and acquired these things: 2 knitting books (one is very basic, and the other is my eye candy), some yellow yarn (I don’t what they are), and a pack of 4 double pointed knitting needles in size 8. I spent hours before deciding to buy them. There were so many needles and equipment that I have no idea what they are for. So I suppose I just buy some basics and see if I like it, or if I can really do it. Those are my first ever knitting equipment.

Well, trying to learn a whole new skill from a book whose language and letters I don’t understand is as difficult as it sounds. But that’s always part of the fun anyway. At first, I just spent time raveling and unraveling my knitting to try out different stitches. Maybe I’ll make a scarf after this. Not too fancy, just very basic stuffs. I always thought that knitting would be kind of boring because I have to go over and over the same thing, but it turned out that it’s so meditative, as well as addictive. This is as far as I get and I like it!
One Rookie Knitter

I’ve decided that morning will be the time for sewing as Sidra is at school, and in the afternoon, I can go back to my knitting. Good time management, eh?

Now I have to stop myself and put those knitting equipment away because there are dirty dishes and laundry waiting for me. And I still have to make the bag that Sidra asked me a few days ago. Control, control. A very hard thing to do. Okay, one more row and I’ll stop….

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