Japan Quake Appeal Raffle

I only have a pair of little hands that can offer small things. But many little hands will make bigger things.

Here’s a raffle, in cooperation with A Bit of This and a Bit of That, where you can make a donation and win this package of prizes!

For Japan Quake Appeal
  • a tote bag made with canvas in black with red apples pattern. Fully lined with linen, the straps are orange cotton webbing.
  • a matching wristlet zipper pouch, also fully lined with linen.
  • Fudge #4 (April issue), my favorite Japanese fashion magazine, inside your tote bag!
  • a handmade fabric covered button necklace with antiqued patina ball chain.
  • a surprise original watercolor drawing by my husband.
For Japan Quake Appeal
For Japan Quake Appeal
For Japan Quake Appeal

How to enter:

  • Go to GlobalGiving* and make a donation. The amount is up to you!
  • For donation in $, go to this LINK. For donation in £, go to this LINK. For help with online donation process, you can refer to this post at A Bit of This and a Bit of That.
  • If you’re in US, you can also text JAPAN to 50555 to donate $10 (there is no receipt # for, please state in the comment that you’ve made the text donation).
  • Come back to this post and leave a comment with your receipt number. Make sure that you fill the email address (won’t be published) column properly so I can contact you if you win.
  • You may enter as many times as you like but each time you will need a new receipt number.
  • The raffle will be closed on Friday, March 25, 2011, at 9 am Tokyo Time (GMT+09), so please leave your comment before that time.
  • I will draw the winner randomly and contact the winner by email.

Check out A Bit of This and a Bit of That to find a list of bloggers all over the world who have joined this appeal. You can enter more auctions and raffles on other blogs, but please make separate donation for every raffle and auction.

*We are in no way affiliated with GlobalGiving, that’s just our chosen method of getting funds safely to the affected area.

EDIT: I need to ask you to please not leaving a comment if you don’t want to enter the raffle. Some people are confused on how to enter because many comments don’t have receipt number. It is also to make it easier to draw a random winner later. Hope you understand! m(_ _)m

The raffle is now closed. Thank you for all your donations!


43 Responses to Japan Quake Appeal Raffle

  1. Hi!!

    Receipt #: R298140-GC794973-CBcb01

    Thank you so much for doing this!
    Fudge is my favourite too but I can never find it in Canada.
    We have been doing a lot of work for the Red Cross here…and I am happy to help you too!!!
    Take care of each other!!!!

  2. Receipt #: R292872-GC786076-CBuk

    I’m so glad you and your family are alright. Thank you for making it easy for us all to donate.


  3. I am so glad that you and your family are ok. The Japanese people are amazing and they have the strength and capacity to recover from these disasters.
    Thanks for giving us a way to help.
    Here is my Receipt #: R292712-GC785734-CBcb01
    Many XOX

  4. One week after, the images shawn on TV still impress me a lot. We are so small against the elements … we probably all start to pay the price of the way we live, without thinking enough to the environmental aspects of the world … the lesson will be for everyone in this world but right know, it’s the morning in my country and one days more has passed in yours. I sincerely hope that each day will be a better day than the previous one and that the situation will be better in a close future for you and all the Japan.
    By the way, I like very much the way you draw your pattern of your tutorials. Can I ask you what kind of drawing software do you use ?
    Bigs Hugs from Switerland

  5. Novita *hugs* I’ve been following your blog for awhile and I’M SO GLAD YOU’RE ALL OK!!

    I just wanted to let you know of a Call for Quilts I just learned of by a Japanese Magazine – Patchwork Tsushin. They are asking for handmade quilts to be donated which they will distribute to those poor people needing them the most. Here is the link: http://www.quiltersnewsletter.com/blogs/insideqn/2011/03/18/call-for-quilts-for-japan/comment-page-1/#comment-2632

    There is also Liberal Sprinkles which has started collecting a really good list of all the crafty related ways people can help: http://liberalsprinkles.blogspot.com/2011/03/japan-earthquake-tsunami-how-to-help.html

    Also, on Ayumi’s blog Pink Penguin, http://ayumills.blogspot.com/2011/03/giveaway-to-support-donation-for-japan.html she posted a People Finder for Japan 2011: http://japan.person-finder.appspot.com/?redirect=0

    All my love and admiration for helping those in need!

  6. Receipt #: R290877-GC782463-CBcb01

    I’m so glad you and your family are okay! My heart goes out to everyone in the wake of such a tragedy – I can’t even begin to imagine what that’s like. It’s hard to feel like my small part will make any difference, but I know there are many, many others doing the same and together we can have a bit effect.

  7. Hi Novita! Who are you?? I’ve been following you loong time ago. I heard about Japan I thought on your family and you immediately. Take care: ) My best wishes for all your family and friends in this hard times. Hugs

  8. i am more than happy to help and participate. I was actually trying to find a donation site that accepts paypal and this is perfect :)
    All my best wishes to you and your family and all the japanese people. your calmness and courage is very inspirational.

  9. Dear Novita,

    I’m glad to hear you and your family are well and safe. I wanted to express my sadness for the disaster that hit Japan, and would love to help. Also, I’d like to tell you that many Serbs are raising funds and offering various types of help to your people. I hope the radiation will reduce to minimum, and that the casualties won’t increase.

    Much love from AnaJan

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