Learning to embroider

Learning to embroider Learning to embroider Learning to embroider

Space Cow
Space Cow

I taught my husband to embroider last weekend, and he really loves it!

For his first project, he made a sketch based on his own illustration, ‘Space Cow’ (whatever it is), and drew it on a tote bag. I made the tote bag sometime ago and it has become my daily grocery bag. It was made from old pillow case, in case that is not pretty obvious.

The embroidery was only consisted of simple backstitches, but my husband seemed pretty amazed at the texture and he couldn’t stop feeling the stitches. There were some bumpy stitches at the beginning but they got smoother as he got used to making it. The project finished very quickly so he didn’t have the chance to get bored of it, and he was very satisfied with the result!

The space cow is of course cute, but I think the sight of my husband on the couch learning to embroider a tote bag is the cutest! ♥_♥

Space cow tote Space cow

10 Responses to Learning to embroider

  1. Thank you for sharing this post with us Novita!

    Love the pictures of him really focused on doing a good job for you. I also love his designs!

    Does he have a website where he shows his work?


  2. awwww… that’s soooo sweeeet 😀

    I’d love to have my hubby doing the stitches.. but am sure it would take forever to make him sit still and do the crafty.. :p

    anyway, the space cow looks like a baby octopus.. hehehehehe

  3. I think that men look like little boys when they focus on something crafty… I should teach my Mister how to do mend the insides of pockets (and he would stop asking me to do his :p)

    • That’s what I think too! And he didn’t quite grasp why I think he looks sooo cute here 😛
      You should teach your man some sewing, he might be surprised of what he can do by himself :)

  4. Awww… that’s adorable! I taught my boyfriend how to knit around Christmas & watching him concentrate was the cutest thing. I’m trying to teach him how to sew with a machine, but I get to bobbins & he’s lost.

    I really like the yellow stitches on the blue of the bag. Their vivid colours work well together. :)

  5. Hey! Your husband is so sweet! I respect him to try to learn new thing from his wife!! I don’t think my husband can even hold needle for a second.

    Thank you for making a post about us;) I enjoyed reading it! My husband was a also happy to read it;)

    • Thank YOU, Kayo!
      My husband loves this activity (so far), but I won’t really count on it. He might get bored easily! :p

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