
You might wonder why I would go around screaming my own name like that, but actually it is the name of the pattern that I use for my new top. The fabric is Kokka cotton that I bought in Swany, Kamakura, it was on sale and only 1.3 m left.

Novita topNovita top

The bias-cut top pattern is from Tamanegi Kobo, and yes, it has the same name as mine: Novita. Isn’t that awesome? Although that is the most awesome thing (for me!) about the pattern, it isn’t the only one. The pattern is sold as multi-size PDF pattern, just like Burdastyle pattern. In multi-size pattern, each size is usually differentiated by different types of lines, and it is kinda hard trying to figure out which lines belong to my size; is it the dotted one, the dashed one, the dotted-dashed one?

But I really like how this pattern makes use of the layer feature in PDF files. It means that every size is stored in different layer that can be turned on or off. I only had to turn on the layer of my own size, printed it out and got myself a clean and easy to see pattern of my own size. I don’t need those other sizes in my pattern!

The other awesome thing is the pattern instruction. Despite two years living here, I still can’t read Japanese (-_-), but the drawings are so clear and logical that I only need to look at them once to understand the whole construction. The pattern is also very well-organized with every seam allowance mitered at the corners (I love this!), and each helpful notches are in the right place. I usually want to alter or change a bit about a pattern, but this pattern is so well-organized that I wanted to follow all the instructions without straying a little bit.

Novita topNovita top

The finished top is indeed beautiful with such a simple shape, and it is also comfortable like a T-shirt. So here it is: Novita in Novita! I know it’s silly but it makes me happy!

Novita top Novita top Novita top

Pattern is Novita from Tamanegi Kobo.

27 Responses to Novita!

  1. Hello NOVITA!!!! I’m a big fan of your blog and this top has been in my head for a few months now. When I first saw it on you here I went to buy it right away. I printed the pattern and traced it and made a muslin out of it, but fit funny, because I forgot about the cut on bias!!! How do you lay the fabric when you do that? I’m dying to try it out again and hopefully I can get to use a nice voile! Thank you so much and I hope you see this comment!!! Cheers!!

    • The pattern has grain line on it, you simply put the line at the direction of the fabric’s grain line. I’m sure the pattern also has a diagram on how to lay the pattern pieces on the fabric. Good luck! :)

  2. Awesome top! I have this pattern too. Do you think it would work in a jersey knit fabric? My version in a woven fabric sags a bit in the neckline.

    • I think it can be done! And you dont’t have to cut on the bias because jersey is already stretchy. For the jersey version, you might try cutting the neck binding a bit shorter and stretch them while sewing it to the neckline so it won’t sag.

  3. The fabric is really eye catching and it looks so comfortable! The fact about the pattern matching your name is interesting. I believe it’s an example of “letter name branding”. A couple of days ago I read about a study saying that people get more attracted to something that is similar to their name. For example a person named “Craig” would rather buy a coke than a person named “Peter” who is likely to prefer Pepsi. Not sure if this really makes sense though. This is the link to the study:

  4. I really like the top! The fabric is gorgeous too! I have a really hard time picking out fabrics to use for patterns. I can never find one I like half the time… but then again I may just be too picky :-)

  5. Wow, that’s a beautiful fabric with all those colours and I love the pattern you’ve decided to use for it. Turned out so pretty! I would be giddy too if I found a fabric in my name as well, but your name is cooler. 😛

  6. it made me think of you when I saw the shirt someone else made. that’s awesome you got a chance to tried it out! is your name that common?
    and that is indeed a beautiful fabric. and I love your hair-do too :)

  7. It’s a lovely top. With a great name, ofcourse 😉 I am starting to get tempted more and more to try out some of those japanese patterns. I am always a bit scared because of the language issue, but if those diagrams are so easy to follow…. Maybe I will!

    • I love these Japanese patterns, they always have many drawings and diagrams. At first, it was a bit intimidating because I felt the need to understand what it says before I start. But then I decided to just skip all of the written part and look at the diagrams to figure it out. So far I haven’t done anything wrong (or maybe I don’t know hahaha). But I’m always happy with all my Japanese patterns results! :)

    • I don’t have many tops either (all dresses!), but recently I’ve been thinking of having more tops in my wardrobe. I think you should make some tops! This one is so simple but very pretty :)

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