Burdastyle Book Project: finished (ugh, finally)

Finished!After days of postponing and slacking around, I’ve finally finished my blouse for Burdastyle Book! Actually I planned to work on it just after the Yokohama Artist Market, which was, errr, 3 weeks ago, but lots of things happened between then and now.

Suddenly I found the need to make a couch cover, which by the way was something that I should have made months ago. Then I made a pair of shorts and dress for myself. My husband managed to give me a look of slight disapproval (on my procrastination, not on the clothes), but hey, I was just warming up my sewing mood!

And Sidra needed a new messenger bag. Actually he already has a messenger bag, but it’s worn out and I was afraid that the seam might rip sometime. While I was at it, I decided to make use of the fabric and made another tote bag for my husband, who already has a bunch of tote bags. But a new tote bag always makes him happy, and I’m happy when he’s happy!

Last Saturday, we changed the soil for the larva, because there’s no way I can let our kawaii larva stayed in those old and stale soil. Then we went to the chiropractor for my appointment, and after that the three of us went to a local library to read some books. We always do everything together on weekends, but this time my husband and Sidra went swimming while I went back home. But I have to blame the hot summer day because I completely lost my sewing mood after spending several hours biking outside. So when my husband got back from the pool, the fabric was still hung on the living room. I hung it there to give more motivation to myself. It didn’t work, obviously.

That left me with one day to make my blouse. I almost started sewing a summer yukata for Sidra, but my conscience took over desperately and told me to finish the blouse. So I started to work on it,  with lots of regret of course, because I would have more time to make it better and saved myself from lots of stress if only I started days earlier. Now I’m not so sure anymore about my work and I even start to think that maybe they will reject it!

I wonder why it is always harder to finish a project when there is a deadline and especially when it is not truly for myself. Fortunately Burdastyle told me to make this blouse in my size, so at the end of the day, I’ll get to wear it after all. Or to be more exact, in about 18 months after the book is published. Oh.

4 Responses to Burdastyle Book Project: finished (ugh, finally)

  1. yay! it’s over finally!! I am going to mail out my coat today as well :)
    I know what you mean by a deadline procrastination! I’m the same way…

    • I see that you have a working table, I’m so jealous! I have to do everything on the floor (more reason to procrastinate). Can’t wait to see yours too! ^O^

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