Yokohama Artist Market

with Chie and Kayo
with Chie and Kayo

They are tall preparing our booth

^^ ^^

Artist market (picture taken by Sidra)
Artist market (picture taken by Sidra)

And how many clothes that I had sold? None!

Hahaha. Well, actually a lot of people came by and took a look at the clothes, but there were no fitting room to try them on. I think the market is better suited for small stuff like bags and accessories that don’t need sizings.

Another problem was that my clothes are small, because they are all in my size! I know, I know, that’s very selfish to only make clothes in one’s own size. But I can’t make clothes without seeing how it would look like on human body, and the only woman’s body around in the house is my own. Not to mention that I always secretly want the clothes for myself. -.-

Some people even came to our booth more than once because they really liked the clothes and wanted to try them on. I knew that they wouldn’t fit in my clothes but I suggested them to try the clothes anyway in the rest room so they could be sure. And of course they didn’t fit in the clothes.

I have thought about making my clothes available in more sizes, but I don’t think I will do it, at least for now.Β For one, I do this mainly for fun. I’ve really enjoyed making these clothes last month, I have all these beautiful fabrics, and made all the designs that I wouldn’t do if I only thought about making them for myself. But making the same clothes in several sizes needs more effort and responsibilities, which I don’t have.

Secondly, I know that it’s not easy for women in my size to find something that fit. There’s a lot of small women dressed in slightly larger clothes because they couldn’t find their size. Those were my problems too before I started making my own clothes, I used to buy clothes in kid’s department (which maybe affects my clothes’ styling right now). I guess I’ll just make clothes for small and petite women. Maybe I will make tutorials or something for my clothes so people can make them themselves if they want. Most of them are just basic stuff with different details. Do you have something particular that you want to know? But please don’t count on me as I’m fairly moody (another word for lazy), but I will try. Or If you want to buy cute dresses, you should go here and here instead! Available in normal sizes!

Now about the market, it would be a lie if I say that I wasn’t disappointed at all. But it was kinda expected, and I’m a big (old!) girl, so everything was well accepted. The good thing is, I got to see Yokohama, which I’d never been to before. It is such a nice city with lots of open spaces, so different from the crowded Tokyo. My husband came with me all the three days, and insisted to carry my big luggage and two chairs β™₯β™₯


We brought Sidra on the weekends, he and my husband waited patiently as I guarded the booth with Chie or Kayo. Well, Sidra wasn’t that patient actually, but at least he was trying. We also got to meet Chie’s and Kayo’s husbands and parents and they were very nice! So, let me say that all’s well that ends well. See you in another craft market where hopefully some pretty small ladies would walk by and shop!

My first time in Yokohama! Akarenga Soko (The Red brick warehouse) Yokohama Sidra in Yokohama

29 Responses to Yokohama Artist Market

  1. mbaaaaa…blog nya very inspiring me trus link2nya jg sangat berguna. Jadi gemes pgn cobain bikin macem2. walopun ga bisa jait, tp jd dpt ide bikin ini itu..hihiiihhiii..

  2. too bad you were unable to sell any of your creations.

    I am in the same boat too when it comes to being small. I’m 4’11 and can wear kids clothes too.

    I’ve been selling my clothing creations for a while now, but have been getting complaints that my sizing is too small. But, like you, I only have myself to try things on the see if they fit properly. I started selling some items in larger sizes, however now I am burnt out & find sewing to not be as fun anymore.

    Keep doing what you are doing! Create & have fun!

  3. I would have loved to come buy your clothes, i’m small too, but i only moved to tokyo last week, so i missed it! I’ve been shopping around cos of summer sale, but all the “free size” clothes are pretty much too big for me! very disappointing! i have my eye on your clothes for a long time, but i’m reluctant to buy clothes on the internet, cos i love to try them on and see if they suit me! if you do this again, i’ll definitely come:) please don’t give up!

  4. you are SO right about small people having trouble finding clothing. Keep making the small sizes… well.. that’s my opinion anyway πŸ˜‰

  5. I still love your work & sorry about your sales :(
    I am also the smallest person..I’m 4’11! So I totally get you there. And making clothes for other people is also another story..more fabric, no model, etc etc.
    Too bad we dont live near each other (I live in NY)…cause me & you could fit right in together! Keep up the good work though! I like seeing your gets me inspired!

  6. Oh… I wish I were there to buy your creations, they are just amazing!

    Have you, Chie and Kayo shared a booth? That must have been a wonderful sight… things made by 3 wonderful crafters together!!!

  7. I’m totally surprised that you didn’t sell lots and lots of things! (if i had been there, i would be all over that rack.) i want your hooded dresses so badly. they’re perfect. and you’re so talented. glad you still had fun!

  8. where did you get your gold shoes? are they from etsy? i can’t wait to see your clothes online for sale! I definitely hope i can buy a flowered dress all the way from nyc.

  9. So sorry to hear that there were no sales, but how wonderful you had a great time anyway, and that your family was there with you.

    I think you are wise to only make the petite size. That way you don’t get tired of sewing and can continue to enjoy it. And if you have clothes that never sell, then you can wear them; so nothing is wasted. You could try to sell them in your own Etsy store or some other online store of your own.


  10. I know what you mean: I used to sell at markets too and it can be tricky without a fitting room! I think your “marketing strategy” (lets not call it lazyness :-)) is right: target your clothes to petites, it’s definitely a niche and your lovely taste and talent would be very succesfull if a bit pushed-encouraged by some advertising. Now go and list all your dresses on your on-line shop and give it a go, good luck!
    p.s.- your husband reminded me of my own when he was coming to help me, they are so sweet…

    • From now on, I will call it my marketing strategy then! That’s what my husband always says too πŸ˜›
      Thank you for dropping by, Sylvia :)

  11. I’m sorry you didn’t sell any of your beautiful clothes, but it is nice that you can still enjoy the fair. I would have loved to have bought something if I was there!
    I would also LOVE if you did some tutorials, as your designs are so lovely and I am quite tall (5 ft 9″) so would love to sew my own. ^_^
    I would love the tie front dress, and the hooded dress!! x x x

  12. I’m so sorry for the market,but I’m sure a lot of blog ladies who live all around a world and couldn’t go to Japan are very happy (included me) because this way if you put them in your store we can buy it.

    And about the tutorials I’m dieing for the pattern of the bib dress.

    good luck

    anita from Spain

  13. I hear you. I am petite and have all kinds of fitting issues!

    Sorry about the lack of sales. I really like your creations. If you are in the mood and feel like doing a tutorial, I’d love to make me a front tie dress like your batik one :)

    • Yes, it is true. That’s why I started sewing my own clothes and then can never stop after that ^^
      I will try preparing the tutorial!

  14. If I had been there, I probably would have robbed my whole bank account. Love your ideas and fabrics ( – sometimes it’s good to be small! :-) ).

    Best wishes from Germany,

  15. Take it from the bright side! More awesome clothes for you πŸ˜‰ If I’d be your size I’d probably offer you all I have for one of the bubble dresss.
    I don’t think it is selfish to want all your clothes for yourself. I feel the same about my stuff and only give something away if people really promise to wear/use what I made. I couldn’t stand the thought of one of my bags being hidden in a closet.
    I’d love to read more of your turials. Though I must not read them in the evening as it makes me want to try them immediately =)

  16. It’s so refreshing to hear you speak so honestly about your experience at the market. Your clothes are beautiful and I would have bought some if I was there!

  17. Well, you would have had a sale if I had been there….when I see the orange-flowered tunic in the photo all I hear is the voice in my head saying “me, me, me”. Any chance you will add the tunic to your store?

  18. I for one would be thrilled if you ever decided to do tutorials for any of your clothing because I love what you make. I am a bit taller than you, but I’m not tall by any stretch of the imagination. I’ll be crossing my fingers that you’ll be in the mood to share in the next bit.

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