Hat giveaway! – CLOSED

Linen hat

Remember this hat? I made it for a friend of mine but then I changed my mind and made another type of hat for her. I’ve never worn the hat since it is not really my style. So now that I have one extra hat, I think that maybe one of you will like to have it!

The fabrics are linen with printed cotton for lining. The hat has short tilted down brim and elastic on the back, so it will fit most head sizes. The brooch is included! It is made with felt, cotton lace,  scrap of the printed cotton lining, and colourful buttons. The brooch is detachable, so you can put it on your bag or clothes if you want.

Please leave a comment on this post to enter the giveaway. Extra entries if you’re a twitter follower or facebook fan, just mention it in your comment.

The winner will be picked randomly and announced on Monday, April 26, 2010. I will need your email for contacting you about shipping address, so make sure that you put your email address when making a comment (it will not be published). I’ll ship anywhere!

This giveaway is now closed. Thank you for participating!

Linen hat Linen hat - scrap brooch

119 Responses to Hat giveaway! – CLOSED

  1. Hi, your hat looks good..
    I found you at Burdastyle.com, you’re so talented. 😀

    Are you you Indonesian??
    I guess you are.. 😀 . correct me if i’m wrong.. :p


  2. Looks like a LOT of us would like to have this cute hat! Every year my church has a huge public Lebanese dinner for which we cook over a several month period. We have to wear those awful shower-cap looking head covers to cook in, so this year I’ve decided to wear some sort of cute cap OVER the shower type cap hat….this cap would be JUST the thing!

  3. Dear pupleperson
    Its so nice to look at all the stuff you make,and now I am trying to make your reversible bag,Thank you for sharing that.I am a facebook fan ,it makes people closer!!! best regards Carina from Sweden

  4. Hi,

    It’s a pleasure knowing your blog randomly. I am a fans of hat..since i am living in India..it’s too hot to handle..^_^

    I love to do somethings in my spare little time. I have learned and made some frocks and little things for my 9th month’s baby.

    And i am your follower now. Until then, i keep my finger cross..


  5. hi, thanks for the giveaway!
    I really love your blog, thank you for all the amazing tutorials!

    I’m also a fb fan (Grace Wong) and twitter follower (gracewong1)!

  6. oh, my god, more than hundred replys!i don’t think i have i chance, but i’ll try it anyway. i read your every post (i’m subscribed to your blog) and like very much the things you make and i like reading little bits about your life because it is quite different from mine here in croatia.
    thanks for the oportunity to win something you made, and thank you for writing this blog! :)

  7. i was randomly browsing the web yesterday (instead of doing my homework) and i stumbled upon your little purple corner. i read your entire blog and i am a new fan. you have inspired me to take up creative projects again. : )

  8. I am a grad student who once upon a time used to be crafty and creative and now I just dream about doing it again once I finally graduate and have more time again.

    As you can see I am actually searching the internet for inspirations like you when I should be studying for exams.

    I love love love you blog. So creative and such a natural sense of style. This hat is so cute and I would love it!

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