What we were doing last weekend

Cutting Sidra's hair

Cutting Sidra's hairCutting Papa's hair (photo taken by Sidra)

Cutting Papa's hair (photo taken by Sidra)

Cutting my own hairCleaning up

Cheap, fun, and hair everywhere!

13 Responses to What we were doing last weekend

  1. I desperately need to cut my son’s hair too but he is 2 years old and very wriggly…although I must find a way for he is too awkward now, short hair on top of the head and long at the back, quite uncool, but funny!

  2. Hahaahaha! He was complaining that he looks like a kid? Sounds very familiar!!
    For days I am persuading my 4-year old son to cut his hair but still no success!
    I am cutting my bangs too! Can’t live without it!!!!!!!!!!!
    Have a nice day Nolita &co.!!

  3. Here we cut eachothers hair too :-) Well, to be more precise: I cut everyone’s hair and my husband cuts mine. It’s fun, although I have to be a very quick cutter when it comes to my eldest. He’s not that patient when I’m handling the scissors and looks at me very suspicious at every cut 😉

    • My son complained that the haircut made him looks like a kid. Well, it’s not my fault, he is a kid! 😀

  4. haha cute!
    I’ve been cutting and my hubby’s hair ever since we got together. I cut his a soft-mohawk :) I cut my own hair too, but after doing so for 5years I am ready to get it done professionally!

    • Maybe someday I will need a professional too if I want to make a dramatic change with my hairstyle, but so far I’m still satisfied with my paper scissors 😛
      The hardest part is cleaning the small pieces of hair that stuck everywhere!

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