Fashion treasure

going somewhere
Sidra & me, Tokyo 2009

Do you have a fashion treasure? This coat is one of mine. It used to belong to my mother, she bought it in a small shop in France more than thirty years ago when she and my father went for a trip around Europe.

The coat is unlined blue and white purl knit, the white pattern is consisted of white chains inserted between. It also has a a pair of big pockets, perfect for the cold hands, and thick mother-of-pearl buttons.

Once my mother was back from the trip, the coat had no use in the tropical climate of Indonesia except for becoming a dress-up play thing for her children. I used to play hide and seek in her wardrobe, sitting between all the dresses and coats.

Since I was big enough to wear it, I acquired the coat and it has now become my daily wear in Tokyo winter time. There is a special feeling when wearing a vintage item, especially the one that you’ve grown with. A nostalgic and familiar feeling, and strangely secure feeling.

I especially love this picture of my parents in Germany. My mother wore the signature coat over a print green dress. On her hands is a beautiful crocodile skin handbag with golden buckle. That’s a pair of of red knee-length boots on her feet!

And look at my father! Why don’t men dress like that any more? He had on a three-piece suit with perfect crease along his pants. His big tie is peeking above the waistcoat and the jacket has one button casually opened to show a peek of his belt buckle.

Picture perfect.

The coat
Mother & Father, Germany 1976

12 Responses to Fashion treasure

  1. Awsome coat! I remember the “fashion treasuries” I got from my mom, how bad, that they don’t fit me anymore since I came into the twenties…
    But, we still keep it. Who knows, at least one of us four sisters should get a girl one day…

  2. That coat is gorgeous! You are so lucky to have inherited it from your mom!

    There are times when looking at old photos, I wish my mom had saved all her old clothes to give to me.

  3. Hi! That’s a great coat. I’m so glad that you have held onto it. You and your parents have great style. I’ve been reading your blog for a while and I just want to tell you how much I enjoy your posts. I love all of your creations and you are very inspiring.

  4. what a beauty!
    I love digging into my mom’s closet. there are so many tresures hidden in the box with the smell of mothballs!! definitely gives me the nostalgic familiar feel.
    love the last pic of your parents. vintage photos are so preccious :)
    .-= lunatepetal´s last blog ..shoe addiction =-.

  5. lovely! I made myself a black shift dress nearly 10yrs ago and I still wear it now! its my fav and looks so fab. x love your blog!

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