Health talk

Oh I hate not posting about sewing again! But in the past two weeks, my health has been in an on and off mode. Sidra caught the virus first, and as usual I caught it from him. My husband, who is stronger, caught it later. As a result, after Sidra and I got better, I caught the virus again from my husband. Bummer.

My back pain is also worsening, so recently we went to an orthopaedist to get it checked. The last time it was checked was when I was in junior high school. Yikes! That was when I got diagnosed for scoliosis and then put on a brace. I wore the brace for about a year. But then something happened that put my spine at the end of the list of important things in the family. So, it was kinda neglected.

The orthopaedist clinic was literally full of old people. We started to wonder if there was some kind of age restriction to get checked there. But of course we were just being paranoid. I got my X-ray taken, and when the doctor showed it to me, I was a bit shocked. I mean, it looked like something from a medical text book with a caption: case of Mrs. N or something.

The doctor showed a very concern face and said that my spine is curved about 52 degrees and a bit rotated as well. But he didn’t suggest operation as it is dangerous. Actually, it was kinda hard understanding him. Although my husband can speak Japanese pretty well, the doctor had apparently decided to exercise his English upon seeing the two gaijin in front of him. So he spoke in broken English which neither of us could understand easily, and maybe neither the doctor himself could understand. At the end, he told me to get checked again next year, gave me some painkillers and exercise leaflets, and told me to go to the rehabilitation room to get, err, rehabilitated, I suppose?

It turned out that the rehabilitation consisted of lying on a bed to get a back massage from a very kind lady and then sitting under the heat lamp pointed to my back. The nurses were very nice and kind. I felt so old. I still haven’t take the painkillers until now. I’m planning to seek for a second opinion or alternative treatment.

After we got back from the clinic, I had the virus attack #2 and started to have a fever. Fortunately my husband works at home in the morning so he can take care of me. He’s such an angel, taking care of Sidra in the morning and bringing me breakfast and medicine. He took his notebook to the bedroom to work while keeping me company. It was kinda nice, lying sleepy in bed while watching him working.

After he left to go to the office, Sidra took care of me in the afternoon. Although his idea of keeping me company was sitting beside my pillow playing Mario Bros on his Nintendo with those annoying electronic sounds. But he was trying hard. He would put the blanket over me and brush my hair with his little fingers. He would offer me things he likes because he thought I would like that too. “Are you okay, Mama? Would you like my chocolate? But they’re very good! You can have them all! Do you want more water? Here’s water for you. You have to drink it if you want to get well! Would you like to check your temperature? Can I have my temperature checked too? Can you make me some pancakes? But it’s okay if you can’t, I’ll just eat some bananas…” and so on.

Here’s a video of Sidra trying to cheer me up. I hope everyone will stay warm and healthy!

18 Responses to Health talk

  1. Hello! I just found your website. Your sewing is so beautiful. I just wanted jump in about scoliosis–I have it too, and I have been doing yoga for over 10 years now, and it is the only thing that helps for me. If you ever have a chance to work with a yoga teacher who specializes in scoliosis, it could be so helpful. Everytime I go on a trip, I try to see if there is a local yoga teacher to connect with. Sometimes it works to go to a class, but I have also arranged private lessons this way. Best wishes!

    • Hi Jenny, thank you very much for the advice!
      I heard a lot of good things about yoga too, and right now I’ve been using a DVD about yoga for scoliosis. I don’t speak Japanese so it’s kinda hard trying to find an English-speaking yoga class near my house. But I like the DVD, it really helps with the back pain. I will keep doing it! :)

  2. Hallo Novita, salam kenal dari Yunani.
    Apa Novita sudah pernah baca tentang chiropractic?
    Saya punya masalah juga dengan tulang belakang(dan saraf terjepit). semasa saya liburan di bali, saya coba beberapa kali datang ke ahli chiropractic. Hasilnya banyak sekali perubahan.
    Sayang terapi tidak saya lanjutkan krn harus kembali ke Yunani.
    Semoga informasinya bermanfaat.
    Keep creating!

    • Saya pernah baca2 juga tentang chiropractic, nampaknya memang bisa membantu. Terimakasih sekali untuk sarannya, Veronica! ^.^

  3. Hi, First, wanted to say I love your blog (and blog name) and your creations are so beautiful. Second, I’m sorry to hear about the scoliosis. Have you considered doing a gentle form of yoga? I’ve heard it can be very helpful. Perhaps a very slow and gentle yoga class (even a restorative yoga class or maybe Iyengar yoga to start out with) could help. One of my yoga teachers has scoliosis and it’s helped her a lot! Best.

    • Thank you! In fact, I’ve been thinking about yoga too, so I’ve ordered some yoga book so I can do it at home. It’s a bit difficult to find english-speaking yoga class around my house. Can’t wait to start!

  4. agh I hate being sick!(I don’t think nobody likes that…) my little girl finally recovered from the fever, too. and it breaks my heart when someone you love is not feeling well… :(
    your boys are so sweet! and the song Sidra is singing reminds me of my childhood :)
    hope your back gets better soon… maybe find a good chiropractor and he can help your back a bunch?
    .-= lunatepetal´s last blog ..Marie, an old lady =-.

  5. I’m sorry to hear about this.
    I have scoliosis as well so I know what you’re talking about. Make sure when you sleep your back is always warm, that helps a little!

    Cheers, hope you feel better soon!
    .-= ktrn´s last blog ..budget managing =-.

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