Shweshwe sarouel

Shweshwe Sarouel Shweshwe Sarouel
This is the second Sheshwe fabric that Emily from Stitch had sent me. The pattern is called New Mountain. I love that it is sort of optical illusion where you can either see a weave pattern or zigzag pattern.

Shweshwe Sarouel Shweshwe Sarouel

Sidra saw the fabric the other day and demanded a pair of pants to be made with this fabric. He is undergoing a style change at the moment. A few months ago he said that his style is daaku (dark), hence the black shoes, black t-shirts, dark pants, and skull pattern. But recently he announced that he is not daaku anymore, his style is now karafuru (colourful). Oh, okay.

The pattern is Sarouel pants FOP-K09 from a Japanase pattern shop, Full of Patterns that I’ve use before to make this green one. As usual I use Google translate to help me browsing Japanese sites. All this technology makes it harder for me to learn Japanese properly *sigh*.
Shweshwe Sarouel Shweshwe Sarouel
It is a very easy pattern and I think it perfectly suits the shweshwe fabric. It has deep side seam pockets, big back pockets, and a pair of tabs for the cuffs. Sidra said that it is the most comfortable pants he has ever had and he proved it by jumping around and kicking in the air.

And yes, he’s wearing glasses now! His health test at school showed that he might need glasses but it was not immediate attention. But I noticed that Sidra blinked a lot and sometimes his eyes look strained. He also always sat very close to the television and when I asked him about it, he just said that it was more comfortable. We took him to have his eye tested last weekend and he ended up having to wear -2.0 prescription glasses.

When Sidra put on the lens for testing, he looked around and exclaimed in amazement, ‘Everything is so different! I can see things that far away!’ I suddenly realized, of course he never complained, he just didn’t know what the world supposed to look like! He got very excited with the glasses afterwards and read every signs that he saw along the way. He said to my husband, ‘You look different too! Let me see your teeth now!’ What is with Sidra and my husband’s teeth….

Fabric is New Mountain Shweshwe from Stitch in South Africa.
Sarouel pattern is FOP-K09 from Full of Patterns (PDF pattern – Japanese pattern shop), size 130.

13 Responses to Shweshwe sarouel

  1. Please tell Sidra he looks great in glasses. He was pretty cute before but now he’s even cuter. And he’s to be commended for his fashion sense.

  2. the pants are lovely. i had the same experience as sidra when i got glasses at age 12. i had no idea how clear the world looked to other people. i remember my mom driving me home as i stared at all the individual leaves i could see on the trees.

    also, that bit about the teeth was hilarious.

  3. Those are really great pants, the fabric really suits the pattern. And your son looks very smart wearing his glasses, and good for him that he can now appreciate the world around him better and clearer!

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