Sidra in Sesame magazine – Snap 2010 edition

Last November Sidra was photographed for street style pictures by Sesame, a Japanese kid’s fashion magazine. We were having a walk in Harajuku area when they approached us and asking permission to take some pictures of Sidra.

The magazine was published this month, and it turned out to be a special edition of street snap of Japanese kid’s fashion. It was filled with pictures of kids in their trendiest outfit, taken in various area of Japan. So cute!

Here’s Sidra in one of the pages, he’s number 58.
The caption, loosely translated:
Sidra (6 years)
“Sidra in a beautifully arranged items, all handmade by mama.
The chic outfit is refined with the addition of orange accent.”

Sidra was wearing this linen jacket, denim pants, and robot bag, all made by me (*^.^*) The denim pants are actually a bit too short now, his socks are showing in the picture. He’s been growing up so fast! The hat  was thrifted in a nearby secondhand store, and it is included again in another page about hat and cap.

I showed the magazine to Sidra, telling him that he was in it. He just looked at them casually and continued eating his donut, as if there was nothing special to it. Kids!

Anyway, mama is very proud and happy and proceeding to tell everyone about the little pictures \(*O*)/

12 Responses to Sidra in Sesame magazine – Snap 2010 edition

  1. Congratulations on being featured! Sidra is such a handsome boy, and it’s because of his doting and talented Mom!

  2. Hi Novita!!
    I have a really silly question to ask you, but since I’m a beginner, I need to ask!
    I’m making a dress from your gathered dress tutorial –
    and I was wondering how to join the skirt to the bodice. I mean since you did those really cute “ruffles”, I don’t know how to make them even all the way round. That’s my problem. How did you do it?
    I hope I made myself clear!!!

    I’m really sorry to bother you with this, but I really don’t know how to do it without making it look horrible.

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