Kate dress (and thoughts about sewing everyday clothes)

Kate dress Kate dress

Kate dress / picture from Style Arc website
Kate dress / picture from Style Arc website

Next from my growing Style Arc pattern stash! This is Kate dress, a wrap dress inspired by Kate Middleton’s engagement dress. It has several reviews on PatternReview who mostly highly recommend it.

As usual for Style Arc patterns, I cut size 6. I shortened the bodice about 2 cm, but next time I might reduce it to 1 cm. The original hem is quite long and I had to shorten it about 20 cm. I left out the sleeves at the end of sleeves and lengthened the ties about 15 cm. My fabric is polyester knit with abstract floral pattern.

Kate dress Kate dress Kate dress Kate dress

Per the instructions, the neckline is finished with clear elastics. I overlocked the elastic on the wrong side, folded it iniside and topstitched using coverstitch setting. I also used a piece of fabric selvedge to reinforce the shoulder seams. This is very important in sewing with knit fabric so they won’t stretch out.

Kate dress Kate dress

I put on the dress and asked my husband’s opinion. He said, “It’s pretty. And… shiny.”

The slight hesitation in his voice got me start asking myself about my choice of sewing projects. I love making dresses, I love wearing them, and I feel good wearing them. But as a stay-at-home mom, I have to admit that these dresses are not practical. I practically live in old cardigan and skinny jeans that I didn’t make myself.

This recent post by Sallieoh about finding TNT pattern resonates well with my thought. When I look at my wardrobe, it’s a closet full of beautiful, handmade clothes, and yet nothing to wear. It is a problem that many of us have to face.

I think that is why I really love my previous project, the floral bomber jacket, because it is something that I do wear everyday. My Sara leggings and Plantain tee got a lot of wear as well. They’re both quite basic so it says a lot about what I need in my wardrobe. I need more wearable things that suit my reality.

My reality is taking care of the house and the dogs. I cook and clean. I pick up the dog’s droppings and sometimes scrub the floor when they have ‘accident’. Slippery floral wrap dress has no business being worn in situations like these. I can probably wear the dresses when I go out, it’s just that I don’t go out that much. No need for a wardrobe full of dresses. How about weekends? On weekends we often go to the adoption events where I usually sit on the floor with the dogs. No wrap dresses please.

I guess I need to spend sometime to think a bit more about this. I love looking good and wearing this old cardigan and jeans everyday doesn’t make me feel good. But I have to understand that to look good, I don’t always have to wear pretty dresses. There are other things that I can make, ones that look good and wearable at the same time:

  • pants: skinny jeans, comfortable pants.
  • tops: not just T-shirt but also blouses and shirts (I don’t have a button down shirt!).
  • skirts: not too short, knee length and long ones are more wearable.
  • jackets and cardigans: a well made one has proven to be so wearable.
  • dresses: maybe long dress made with comfortable knit fabric. But not too many!
  • etc: coats, hats, and I can still make pretty lingerie!

It’s funny that by writing this down, I can see that there’s a big hole in my wardrobe. So many things to sew!

Pattern is  Kate dress by Style Arc , size 6.

30 Responses to Kate dress (and thoughts about sewing everyday clothes)

  1. Absolutely stunning fabric for this pretty dress! And, what a great fit you achieved, it looks perfect on you. I can’t even stand how cute your doggie in his animal print jammies is.

  2. The dress is lovely but I also often find myself making unpractical things. One thing to consider would be to make this style in a solid cotton jersey.very easy to care for. I’ve been sewing more solid color things lately and find them to be easier to wear than some of my crazier prints I love.

  3. The dress is just beautiful! I love a good wrap dress, and the print on the fabric is just SUCH a good time!!

    One thing I’ve been thinking about since writing that TNT post is that the everyday clothes don’t necessarily need to be BORING. I think a great, everyday staple has a lot more to do with the pattern than it does the fabric. I think your floral bomber is an excellent example of that!

  4. Agreed! I am home almost all day every day, and getting dolled up to play with our rambunctious 85 pound dog, or to go grocery shopping makes no sense. I have several pretty dresses that I barely wear- some I’ve never worn at all, and hardly any of the important staples. I’m trying to change that now.

  5. I resonate with what you’re saying. I have recently taught myself to make jeans that fit me (flowers and chocolate is my entry this week) and lots of t-shirts I can wear. The Built By Wendy books, Sew U and Sew U: Home stretch are my go to books for regular clothes. I love them and she gives you tons of options for changing things up. What a great investment for me to get them. I checked them out at the library first to make sure. Good luck sewing for the real you! :)

  6. I love your dress but I totally understand what you are going through. I’m always grabbing a pretty fabric at the store and then end up making items that don’t really fit my lifestyle. I am working on trying to find a balance between sewing for fun and sewing for life.

  7. Lovely dress! The color looks great on you! I can really relate to this post. I’ve had to stop myself lately from sewing dresses, they’re pretty and fun to make but just not realistic for my lifestyle with two little ones at home. I’m trying to focus on sewing more everyday clothes,working on a pair of jeans and a fitted jacket right now :)

  8. LOVE your wrap dress! I tried the Sew Over It’s Wrap Dress pattern and loved it! So much so that I even made a wrap top out of the dress! Check it out on my blog:

    I had the same problem with too much “cake” in my wardrobe, so I made a Perfect Tee Pattern!! Check it out on my blog:

    ~Seamstress from Venus

  9. Lovely dress… and I think Annette is right … wearing clothes that make you feel good is inspiring … I’m an artist too working from my home studio and can relate.
    I think dressing well is like wrapping a gift, so if you feel these days that you need a different kind of wrapping: go for it, comfy doesn’t mean ugly. I can’t wait to see your next projects. Looove the tiny leopard. :)

  10. Sallie’s post was great, wasn’t it? She stated so many great points. The thing with me is that I wear dresses everyday. Dressy dresses too! I work in the fashion industry for a large company, so getting dolled up isn’t required, but sort of expected. Last year, I made a switch to sew more “every day” clothing but I winded up wearing my ridiculous dresses instead. So, I guess I have the opposite problem of most sewers!

  11. This is a gorgeous dress but I totally get your desire to sew clothes you’ll wear every day. If I had a jacket like the one you’ve just made I’d be wearing that everyday for sure!

  12. This dress is so pretty and looks great on you! Would you be able to wear this during the day if it was in a more breathable, washable fabric? I’ve been trying to balance my sewing more lately so I’m making a mix of everyday things and fun dresses that I like to sew. One thing I’ve really enjoyed making is casual blazers that you can throw on over a t-shirt and jeans to feel a little more pulled together when I’m at the post office or walking the dogs or whatever. I still need to make a pair of jeans, but I’m scared!

    • I think you are right about the dress would be more wearable in different fabric. a couple of years ago I made a wrap dress in wool jersey and had worn it many times. A blazer is on my plan too, I have Bellatrix pattern already! Looking forward to finally see your jeans!

  13. I’ve also am a stay at home mom who sews all the time. Shiny dresses are what I want, too, but not very functional :) I sew (almost!) only regular, everyday clothes… and even want to work on more of the basics like you talk about. It’s fascinating that there are bloggers/seamstresses now talking about how they need to set aside the pretty fancy dress patterns and just start making a great pair of perfectly fitting wearable jeans and t-shirts. I’m excited to see more bloggers/seamstresses on board with sewing “regular” clothes and things!!

  14. I’ve been feeling the same way recently, particularly since I began working from home. Comfy tops, easy tunic dresses and denim skirts are the way forward! This is a lovely dress though – and not too dressy if you want to wear it on an everyday basis :)

  15. i think the key is to make everyday staples fun–either by using fun fabrics or making use of interesting details. i’m with you on finding the most sewing enjoyment when i make dresses, but as far as wearing enjoyment, being able to reach for my everyday items makes me so happy! at any rate, i love this dress! wrap dresses are so flattering, and this is no exception.

  16. I second going through Colette’s Wardrobe Architect series. I learned quite a lot about what I need in my wardrobe, so you might find it helpful too!

    Have you thought about wearing leggings beneath your pretty floral dresses? It dresses them down and makes them more casual and suited to everyday wear :)

  17. Just sew dress styles you like, but shorten them to tunic length and they will be very wearable tops with skinny jeans or leggings.

    • Yes, this is exactly what I was thinking. You can have your pretty dress if you make it tunic length and wear it over skinny jeans with cute shoes that are still practical like boots or chunky heels.

  18. I also have lots of summery handmade dresses that come out occasionally. I love wearing stuff I’ve sewn so have started making more separates. But I’m not going to stop making dresses as you need a bit of froth in your wardrobe.

  19. I’ve been struggling with the same issue of wearability. I find that dresses make me feel pretty, they allow for so much creativity, and they’re great showcases for fun fabrics. But in my day to day life, what I really wear is jeans and a cardi, like you. Since I’ve started sewing for my actual lifestyle, I’m beginning to see more of a unified style in my wardrobe: skinny jeans and button down shirts are my go-to outfit, with the occasional dress in between. This also helps me choose patterns in a more practical way. Instead of buying whatever looks pretty, I’ll now focus on things I know I will get a lot of wear out of. It’s a fun process!

  20. I’ve struggled with the exact same problem! As an artist I mostly work from home, sitting behind my desk, so looking ‘dressed up’ isn’t as important as being comfortable. However, I feel way better (and inspired) wearing clothes that make me feel good… So now I try to find a compromise in my sewing: I’ll make pretty dresses that feel comfortable out of washable and easy to care for fabrics. This way I can wear the pretty things, work in them and get them dirty without ruining anything!

  21. I read this and thought yup, totally! I am I the process of trying to find my TNT patterns for the every day too. I have two dogs a wonderful toddler and one more little bubba on the way. I am going to take the time while in maternity clothes to look at my wardrobe and plan a post pregnancy wardrobe. I have been finding the Wardrobe Architect series on Colette patterns a good process.

    I often read you blog and enjoy it immensely.

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