Weekend, November

Last Saturday was observation day at Sidra’s school. My husband and I went to see teachers and students in class. There was also an art exhibition at the school hall, showing creations from all students: embroideries, sculptures, paintings. So lovely.

pictures from my Instagram

4 Responses to Weekend, November

  1. What great photos! I guess it goes along with being a crafty/artistic person, but you have such a good eye. I see so many similar sights but they don’t look this good to me!

  2. What wonderful creations. Your son must attend a very creative school. My son was lucky enough to win an ‘Art aptitude’ place at his school and I’m really looking forward to their next exhibition. I must remember to take my camera. Your photos are gorgeous.

  3. Gee, I don’t remember doing anything that sophisticated when I was a kid!! Beautiful sashiko and such charming and whimsical dolls! I guess it’s never too late to start learning that stuff myself… :)

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