Summer vacation 2011

Long flight home
Long flight home

We’re finally home after the vacation in Indonesia! Sidra enjoys meeting people, so he really loved his time there, meeting grandparents and other family members, going to places and seeing interesting things.

Our families live in different cities in indonesia, so we had to make several trips by cars and local airplanes to see them, and still there are family members and friends that we didn’t have the time to meet.


Sambisari temple, Jogjakarta
Sambisari temple, Jogjakarta

After we landed in Jakarta, we spent two days there so Sidra could spend time with his biological father. Then we went to visit my mother in  Jogjakarta, about one hour plane trip from the capital city, Jakarta. There is a lot of things to see in Jogjakarta, we rented a car and driver and went to see several places. The rental fee was quite cheap, about 25USD for 12 hours with driver, gas not included.

Sambisari temple, Jogjakarta Sambisari temple, Jogjakarta Sambisari temple, Jogjakarta Sambisari temple, Jogjakarta

Sambisari temple, Jogjakarta

Affandi Museum, Jogjakarta Affandi Museum, Jogjakarta Affandi Museum, Jogjakarta Affandi Museum, Jogjakarta

Affandi museum, Jogjakarta

Taman Pintar, Jogjakarta Taman Pintar, Jogjakarta Taman Pintar, Jogjakarta Mirota, Jogjakarta

Taman Pintar and Mirota, Jogjakarta

Borobudur, Magelang
Borobudur, Magelang

Borobudur, Magelang Borobudur, Magelang Borobudur, Magelang Borobudur book!

Borobudur, Magelang

After visiting Jogjakarta, we took a flight trip back to Jakarta. From the airport, we took a two hours car trip to Bandung, my husband’s place. He spent his whole life in this house before moving to Japan in 1998.

House in Bandung
House in Bandung
Geology museum, Bandung
Geology museum, Bandung

Sidra’s recent interest is stones, and coincidentally my father in law is a geologist, so he was very happy to hear about Sidra’s interest. He took us to Geology museum in Bandung, which was also his old office. Sidra had a good time there and asked an overwhelming questions. He spent his allowance money to buy stones, and also brought back more stones, gifts from his biological father and my father in law.

Geology museum, Bandung Geology museum, Bandung Geology museum, Bandung Geology museum, Bandung

Food, glorious food
Food, glorious food

And let’s not forget the food! My mother is an awesome cook and she treated us with so many delicious home-made food while we were in Jogjakarta. We also went to a lot of restaurants and had so many wonderful dishes.

Bandung Food Food Early morning visit to the ICU :(

Unfortunately my husband’s stomach couldn’t handle those spicy Indonesian food. He caught a bad case of diarrhea and had to be brought to the ICU one early morning in Bandung. Thankfully he didn’t have to spend too much time there, but he have to be careful with those food next time.

Bajaj, Jakarta
Bajaj, Jakarta

After Bandung, we went back to Jakarta again and spent some more time there.

Saying goodbye
Saying goodbye

And suddenly it was time to say goodbye already. Two weeks felt so fast! Now we’re back to ordinary life, with only the three of us in the house. As much as I love going to Indonesia, I really love my quiet and comfortable home. Time to unpack and wash those heaps of dirty laundry!

9 Responses to Summer vacation 2011

  1. Okaeri! Every time we go back home in Indonesia, we always manage to experience some health problems. Kaze, geri, but the biggest yet was mizubozo. Ugh.

  2. waaaa…mbak…senang deh bacanya, liat foto-fotonya juga, apalagi foto-foto makanan ituuuuu…ada gudeg, mie ayam, sate, teh poci, es cendol, wedang ronde, aduh apalagi itu ya…semua kelihatan enak-enak!!! hiksss….kangen jogja deh, sudah 2 tahun ga pulang :(

  3. Duh, bikin kangen Indo!! Udah 5 tahun gak pulang halaman – ortu udah jual rumah, gak tinggal di sana lagi :( Selama ini aku cuma baca blog kamu per RSS dan gak pernah tulis kommentar. Ngebaca ttg pengalaman kalian di Indo dan liat foto2nya, bikin sedih dan senang campur kenang. Terima kasih buat bagi2 yah!

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