Men’s Jeans

Pumila Men's Jeans Pumila Men's Jeans
I finally finished my husband’s jeans! It seems that everyone has finished their jeans, and Peter has even gone to another adventure in making pajama and playing with his serger. But it is still May, so I guess I’m not too far behind the sew-along…. (^_^;)

Pumila Men's Jeans
Wearable muslin

The pattern is Men’s Jeans from Pumila, a Japanese pattern shop. If you still remember my muslin, this is my problem with this jeans pattern. There are a bit of pulling and wrinkles around the back crotch area. I have no experience in fitting pants (I only made dresses!), so I really had no clue what to do about it. It seems that a lot of my husband’s pants also have this problem.

I examined several of his pants that have less of this problem, and compared it to the muslin. It turned out that the Pumila pattern has straighter curves than the other pants. My husband is a bit prominent around the bottom area, so that might be the problem.

I added more curves around the back crotch and length on the ‘fork’ area. The crotch is also lowered a bit because it seems too high in the muslin. And maybe that was causing the wrinkles?

Other alterations made were per my husband’s requests: making bigger back pockets and changing the straight shape to a slight bootcut by decreasing the knee around 1 cm all around and added about 2 cm to the width of the hem. I also changed the front pockets to jean’s style instead of slanted pockets like the original pattern and made button fly instead of zipper fly. I used this helpful tutorial on Peter’s blog on how to make button fly.

The fabric was found in a little fabric store near my house. It sat on a dusty shelves with lots of various fabrics. This is a small store owned by an old couple, so it’s not a chainstore. The fabric was less than 10 USD for the whole pants. I thought I can use it as a muslin if it was not a good denim, but after it was sewed and finished, it looks so good!

The alterations I made seem to work out, no more pulling and wrinkles! My husband really liked the jeans when I showed it to him last night. The fit was good and he said they were really comfortable. He liked them so much that he wanted to wear them this morning to the office, so I hemmed the jeans rightaway. He already asked for another pair of jeans. I’m very happy!
Pumila Men's Jeans Pumila Men's Jeans

Pumila Men's Jeans Pumila Men's Jeans

Pumila Men's Jeans Pumila Men's Jeans

I use the selvedge area for waistband to avoid bulk, but at the end I think it doesn’t look too good. Next time I will fold the seam allowance under like in RTW jeans. The topstitching thread is special thread for jeans, made in Japan. It is not as thick as topstitching thread in RTW jeans, my machine has no problem handling it. I love the contrast between the burnt orange against the dark denim.

Pumila Men's Jeans Pumila Men's Jeans

A bit of red on the back pocket. The pocket lining is quilting cotton with newspaper print.

Pattern is Men’s jeans from Pumila (paper pattern), altered a bit.

PS: Thank you for all the comments in my previous post! Still can’t believe that I won, the top I made is so simple! Rae just sent me email this morning, informing of these prizes that I won. Oooohhh! (^O^) (+_+)

30 Responses to Men’s Jeans

  1. oh I logged on with the intention of praising you once again. But after reading all the above comments I feel that my goshing “Oh you are my biggest inspiration – how I pratice on my sewingmachine to be able to dress my family and myself” pales next to the others. However.. I do feel this way and continues to come back to your side for inspirations and admirering of your handiwork. Please keep it up. :)
    love Emma

  2. You are a total professional! Those jeans are absolutely perfect – perfectly sewn, perfectly fit, perfectly beautiful! You are everything the home sewer should aspire to.

  3. Hello Novita – I’m new to your blog and to the challenge of learning how to sew. Your site is fantastic and I love all of the pieces you have made!! :) . It has inspired me so much! THank you for sharing and I can’t wait to keep following.

  4. Not only is the fit on these amazing (Custom !), but your topstitching and other details are really just beautiful. It’s a good thing you just took your time to get it so perfect. Now I will have to very careful that my teenage son does not see these pictures, or he will want a pair too.

  5. Nicely Done! If I could ever do this my hubby would be very happy! He is skinny and very tall. We have to order his jeans, and often forget that till we are in need.

    Those look great!

  6. They look great! I agree about the selvedge on the waistband. It’s a great idea, though. I considered serging the edge of mine and treating it similarly, but decided against it. I’m thinking of using a lightweight contrast binding on that edge when I make my next pair.

    Wonderful work!

  7. I LOVE THIS BLOG!!! Your jeans looks so amazing and super expensive!!!

    I must have dozens of jeans, from the cheapy and upwards and I know quality jeans when I see them. THESE ARE IT!! Please tell me how long you’ve been sewing?

  8. You are amazing!

    I am so impressed by your skill, but more by your willingness to take on new challenges and work until you have conquered them. Way to go!

    I have just gotten back into sewing (I studied fashion designing but was never a thorough sewer. Oh please, I slept through pattern making. I really could kick myself). But I am slowly going to work through things until I’m confident.

  9. Awesome! My husband has requested some jeans made by me too, but I haven’t found the courage to start yet. I am very impressed by your result, it looks great on him!

  10. These jeans are incredible. You have sewed them so BEAUTIFULLY!!! They look PERFECT! Every stitch is so neat and accurate….. I am in awe! WELL DONE!

  11. Are there other words than wow? It seems that all my comments in your posts are “wow”. So, wow! Lucky husband.

  12. Novita, you never cease to be an incredible inspiration! You throw together clothes like you’ve been doing it since before you could walk. I am fighting to get back into sewing and clothes making (I did a bit as a child) but my first hurdle, replacing the foot pedal (somehow lost!) for my cheap, second hand sewing machine, threw me as despite my having a part number the man in the shop sold me one that didn’t fit….and then life, and university some how got in the way. But I am determined I will get there! I’d like my study desk to be a sewing desk during my summer holiday this year (when I will also work full time as a scientist…lots of spare time!) so I have been looking on ebay for the RIGHT pedal. and saving some beginners patterns.

    Keep up the wonderful blogging. Oh and don’t worry about your hip; I would never have noticed if you hadn’t pointed it out (and indeed I still can’t tell) you are too beautiful a lady wearing too beautiful clothes for anyone to notice minutiae like a hip.

    • Helen, thank you so much for the wonderful words! It warms my heart to know someone living so far away is thinking about me.
      I know how life and things can be in the way, I only got the chance to do this ever since I moved here. All I want is just this, having a little sewing space and making things for my loved ones, learning one or two things along the way. No business plan, no expansion.
      I wish you can get back to sewing soon! But please take your time because it’s the only thing we have :)

  13. I can only guess how much your husband must be envied at the office!

    Actually I wanted to post a comment about how awesome the pair of jeans is but I can’t think of suitable words (as the jeans are beyond awesome). So I just say that I deeply admire your sewing skill ^^

  14. “Prominent around the bum area” cracked me up.

    These jeans are truly impressive! So professional and comfortable looking. What a lucky husband you have!

  15. wow button fly jeans!! I’m so amaze… looks very comfy and super neat. Those red tab in the back pocket make it perfect. congrats Novita :)

  16. yes, congratulations on your win. These jeans are great, excellent fit and they look fantastic. I hope one day I will make my husband custom fit jeans. He is a bit large and has trouble finding comfortable ones, the ones he has are from the big and tall shop and are very expensive.

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