Golden Week 2011

One hour away from the busy city, walking up the mountain through the wood, there were ancient statues scattered around, we spread our picnic mat on top of the mountain and had the best lunch! Well, actually it was only some onigiri, but you know, anything taste better when eaten in a fine day.


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6 Responses to Golden Week 2011

    • I’m glad that you love it! It used to belong to my mother, I think it’s about 30 years old now and the colors have faded. But it’s very pretty and comfortable :)

  1. Hi,

    I’ve been following your blog for quite some time and I’m under impression that Japan is not your homeland. If that is true, I was wandering have you learned Japanese language, cause I don’t see English translation on those guideposts? :) And if not, how you manage doing usual staff like buying fabrics, using their patterns….?

    • We’re originally from Indonesia. My son and I came to Japan in 2008 but my husband has been living here since 1999. My husband can read and speak Japanese quite well, so does my son. My son goes to Japanese public school and he has no language problem. He began to speak Japanese just one month after he arrived. I guess kids learn languages much faster.
      Unfortunately, I still can’t speak nor read Japanese properly. I use japanese patterns just by looking at the pictures and diagrams, they are pretty easy to understand. There are not many words needed when shopping, usually just how many meters, please, thank you, etc. People here are very polite and helpful :)
      But I really should learn Japanese harder!

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