Skull and cross pants

Skull and cross pants Skull and cross pants
Skull and cross pants Skull and cross pants

The fabric is black medium weight linen/cotton with white and silver skull and cross pattern and I’m not too crazy about it. The idea of silver and gold as fabric is too flashy for my taste. We were browsing around in Yuzawaya, a fabric store, when Sidra saw it and announced on the spot: “I want to wear this fabric.” I’ve tried to change his mind, what about a bag, an apron? “No, I don’t want it as a bag. No, not an apron. I want a pair of pants with this fabric. Yes, I am sure.” Uhhh, okay.

I was planning to make sailor pants with muted grey linen for him, but instead I had a meter of this flashy fabric on my hand. Well, I guess there’s no harm in making a kid happy. Next month is Jeans Sew-Along at Male Pattern Boldness, and I’m planning to make a pair of jeans for my husband, so I used Sidra’s pants to practice sewing jeans.

The pattern is self-drafted, a basic jeans pattern with skinny legs. In place of rivets, I used small zigzag stitches. My sewing machine didn’t seem strong enough to handle such bulkiness, I have to work it slowly to make the small zigzag stitches.

Skull and cross pants

For the pockets lining and inside of waistband, I use other fabric, also in skull and cross pattern in red and gold. Actually I like this fabric better, but white pants are not a good idea for a boy’s wardrobe.

Skull and cross pants

The back waistband has elastic with a row of buttonholes on it to make it adjustable. The button you see on the inside waistband is for adjusting the length of the elastic.

Skull and cross pants Skull and cross pants

A closer look on the back. I cut a small square of thin leather to use as a tag.

Skull and cross pants

The finished result is actually not that bad. Still not my taste, or as my husband said, the pants are too ‘flamboyant’. But Sidra loves it! I bet he will love these pants more than the grey linen pants I was planning to make. In fact these pants kinda suit his personality, he has such an extrovert personality while my husband and I are more  on the (very?) introvert side. Anyway, I think the matter of taste is not important here, everyone has different taste after all. If flashy pants make him happy, then I’m happy too (^_^)v

Skull and cross pants Skull and cross pants

Pattern is self-drafted.

41 Responses to Skull and cross pants

  1. Novita, oh, Novita!!!!! Why oh, why can´t i find cool fabrics like that in my country?! I´m throwing a mini tantrum…not fair!!!! Hope everything is well, dear! Clau

  2. Are you kidding? These pants are not flamboyant, they’re amazing! Love all the details you put into them. Sidra is clearly going to be a rock star when he grows up.

  3. What a fashion statement! They look perfectly constructed and I love all the details- the leather patch is a great idea. My daughter sometimes picks things that are very different from my taste- I usually try to persuade her into styles that appeal to me, but she is always so happy when she can wear the project of her liking.

  4. these are so impressive! Sidra is lucky to have a mom like you!! ( even if that means supporting his eccentric style!) they look great.!

    by the way i live in Toronto,Canada and have just discovered your blog by seeing a link on and i must say i will keep visiting! so inspiring! i’m new to sewing so seeing your work makes me want to keep working at it! it also makes me want to visit Japan. :)
    thank you!


  5. They look awesome! You did a fabulous job sewing them up and were such a good sport about it. You’re right, they’re his pants so he better like them. He’s one step closer to being a rock star in those!

  6. I was just looking at this while my son was lounging beside me, and he immediately piped up, “Oh I love those skulls and bones. Can you make me pants like that too!?!?” They have real boy appeal!

    When I explained that the fabric was from Japan, he started hatching a plan to visit our friends in Japan and go to that fabric store to buy the same fabric.

  7. the pants and prints are pretty stunning. Sidra really knows now what he likes. Little boy fashionista. it seems he’s very individualistic when it comes to his taste.

    • I don’t know if it’s just in Japan, but the kids here seem to be more aware about style and trends. Sidra pays a lot attention to his clothes and hairstyle, once he even asked me if he can have his hair dyed (-_-)

  8. I love these pants, they look great on him. You did a great job on the fit, and you seem to have managed very well on the fabric with your machine and the pants definitely seem to suit his personality, he looks very ‘cool for cats’ in his hip new pants.

  9. You’ve made an amazing pair of jeans! I absolutely love these! They are adorable on their own, but Sidra gives them personality. I bet all the kids at his school will be envious.

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