Once Upon A Thread: Minna no Kobito (みんなのこびと)

Don’t miss my guest post today for Once upon a Thread at Katy’s blog, No Big Dill! This is a whole month event devoted to projects inspired by children books. Isn’t that sweet? Katy is so full of ideas!

In addition, several wonderful people around the blogland are invited to share their projects, and I’m very honored to participate!

My project is inspired by my -or rather, Sidra’s- favorite children book, みんなのこびと or Minna no Kobito by Toshitaka Nabata, or loosely translated as ‘Everyone’s Kobito’. It is the second book of kobito series and written in the form of Q&A correspondence with a certain kobito expert.






Blue kobito Green kobito


But, what is kobito? Head over there to find out about them! And if you just came here from No Big Dill, welcome to my little corner!

Here’s the tutorials for my project:

10 Responses to Once Upon A Thread: Minna no Kobito (みんなのこびと)

  1. How cute! I thought ‘kobito’ means lover in Japanese but that’s ‘koibito’ with an ‘i’.

    I like the father and son kobito picture, so adorable!

  2. I love this! So playful and creative. My mum used to do a lot of sewing when I was a kid and she used to create the BEST fancy-dress costumes for me. I bet your little son loves it that you make these cool clothes for him. :o))

  3. I find just adorable Sidra’s toes on the last pic.
    This is a very funny post despite all the mess outside.
    You’re a very brave family!

    Greetings from South France!


  4. hahahaha hahaahahhhaaa (I’ve just discovered the cockroach plushie!) hahhaahahahahahahahahahaha (I want one, by far the coolest toys I’ve ever seen! I know who could get it as a gift: my husband who dusts the bed just in case any insects made their way there and oh boy he’s going to find a biiiig one)

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