Japan Quake Appeal Raffle

I only have a pair of little hands that can offer small things. But many little hands will make bigger things.

Here’s a raffle, in cooperation with A Bit of This and a Bit of That, where you can make a donation and win this package of prizes!

For Japan Quake Appeal
  • a tote bag made with canvas in black with red apples pattern. Fully lined with linen, the straps are orange cotton webbing.
  • a matching wristlet zipper pouch, also fully lined with linen.
  • Fudge #4 (April issue), my favorite Japanese fashion magazine, inside your tote bag!
  • a handmade fabric covered button necklace with antiqued patina ball chain.
  • a surprise original watercolor drawing by my husband.
For Japan Quake Appeal
For Japan Quake Appeal
For Japan Quake Appeal

How to enter:

  • Go to GlobalGiving* and make a donation. The amount is up to you!
  • For donation in $, go to this LINK. For donation in £, go to this LINK. For help with online donation process, you can refer to this post at A Bit of This and a Bit of That.
  • If you’re in US, you can also text JAPAN to 50555 to donate $10 (there is no receipt # for, please state in the comment that you’ve made the text donation).
  • Come back to this post and leave a comment with your receipt number. Make sure that you fill the email address (won’t be published) column properly so I can contact you if you win.
  • You may enter as many times as you like but each time you will need a new receipt number.
  • The raffle will be closed on Friday, March 25, 2011, at 9 am Tokyo Time (GMT+09), so please leave your comment before that time.
  • I will draw the winner randomly and contact the winner by email.

Check out A Bit of This and a Bit of That to find a list of bloggers all over the world who have joined this appeal. You can enter more auctions and raffles on other blogs, but please make separate donation for every raffle and auction.

*We are in no way affiliated with GlobalGiving, that’s just our chosen method of getting funds safely to the affected area.

EDIT: I need to ask you to please not leaving a comment if you don’t want to enter the raffle. Some people are confused on how to enter because many comments don’t have receipt number. It is also to make it easier to draw a random winner later. Hope you understand! m(_ _)m

The raffle is now closed. Thank you for all your donations!


43 Responses to Japan Quake Appeal Raffle

  1. Hi – I also follow your blog and sewing adventures, and I’m glad to hear that you and your family are safe. Thank you for having this raffle to help those affected by the quake and tsunami.

    # Receipt #: R286363-GC775055-CBcb01

  2. Thank you so much for your blog, and your amazing writing. I love reading your posts and I think you and your family are inspirational. I hope that you and your family are safe and sound, and I am devastated for the heartbreak Japan has and will suffer in the coming days. Every news story brings new worries and concerns and fears and also amazing tales of hope and miraculous recovery. I want more of those, and less pain, for you and your family and Japan.

    Receipt #: R285943-GC774443-CBcb01

  3. Hi, I’m jj1, a member from burdastyle. I fallowed you ebay link and put one of my fav.handmade bag for auction.

    ‎90% of the final sale price will support Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund – a GlobalGiving Project (10% is for the unseen fee)

    I made the pattern for this bag, if any of you want it, I’ll put in the auction as well. (no instruction, not for beginners). Us$ 5.00, same deal.


  4. i have been following you for a while, and i love your site and talent and can see through your words there is something so special and genuine about you and your family.
    i am so sad for japan and what you must be going through. my prayers and thoughts are with you.
    thinking of you from canada…

  5. I had been following your blog for fun things you had made. And now I am moved when I read your blog after the earthquake. I am happy to know that now your family is together again and safe. Please take care…

    Receipt #: R285039-GC773293-CBcb01

  6. What a wonderful idea you and the others have! Many small hands can indeed do big things together. I am so glad you and your family are safe. Take care.

    My receipt R283855-GC771295-CBcb01

  7. I donated via text. I wish I had donated another way though, I hear the Red Cross isn’t a very trustworthy source as the money doesn’t go directly to Japan. If I could travel out to help, I would. I also wish I could donate more. ): I hope that Japan is safe from any more hardships.

    • If you give directly to a relief fund then it will go straight to Japan, otherwise you can’t control how it is used, but the Red Cross is a great organization and the majority of your donation goes straight to emergency relief somewhere, so that’s good to know!

  8. hmm. I did the phone thing, but dont see a receipt #. in any case, Im totally inspired by you, and my thoughts are with you guys—hugs, from the other side of the Pacific.

  9. Hello Dear,

    thanks so much for this very sincere report on your situation! I’m amazed at the amount of solidarity I can read from inbetween your lines. It’s beautiful to read how you support oneanother in these hard times. I hope all will be fine soon- keep up the good work!

    Best wishes!

  10. Dear Verypurpleperson,

    I’ve followed your blog for a few months and you inspire me a lot with all your beautiful work.

    I think you are very courageous to stay there with your familly.

    I have to tell you that I feel sad for all the Japanese people and the people living in Japan, the situation breaks my heart. I had the chance to stay in Japan for a while, meet the people and made good friends there.

    Best of luck for your sweet familly
    love from Thailand


  11. I’m so glad you and your family is safe! I was happy to make another donation for this raffle. :)

    Receipt #: R279835-GC765856-CBcb01

  12. I’m glad to help, even in such a small way! Hope and courage to you and everyone in Japan, may this be the end of the tragic events


  13. My heart goes out to you and I wish I could fly over to help! for now, I went and donated through Global Giving.

    Our thoughts are for you and all affected.

  14. thank you. Thank you for this little chance to help.
    Good luck to you and your family!


  15. Be sure the german people are praying for you. We buildet groups in our social networks and light candles for you.

    All the best for you and your family & friends


  16. Here’s my receipt: R277910-GC762594-CBcb01

    So happy to hear from you! So glad you and your family are together and safe!!! Stay safe!!!

  17. i’m happy to help in any way! thanks for providing with the link. also, thank you for sharing & updating your experience…it’s so great to see how you remain positive throughout this whole incident! truly an inspiration!!

    my receipt #: R277820-GC762409-CBcb01

  18. I friended you on BurdaStyle a while ago and am not sure if you would recognize my name but I wanted to write in to say that I’m so glad you and your family are safe. I’ve been thinking about you and other BurdaStyle friends from Japan and am so thankful that you’ve been blessed with safety. You, your family, and the rest of Japan are in my prayers for a quick recovery and continued safety. Please keep us informed of how you’re doing. And if you need anything, anything at all, please don’t hesitate to email! I know we don’t know each other personally but I would be honored to help in any way that I can. Take care!

  19. Thank you for sharing your experience on your blog. Everything is so heartbreaking, but its good to hear that everyone is working together. :)

    Receipt #: R277518-GC761923-CBcb01

  20. here is my receipt number: R277475-GC761847-CBcb01

    i love the way that everyone is coming together to help those who have lost everything. you’re doing a good job (and so glad to know that you are all safe there) x

  21. This is what I can do for Japan now.
    Receipt #: R277367-GC761657-CBcb01

    Happy to know that you and your family are safe :)

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