Japan Quake Appeal Auction: Jigoku (Hell)


We had three days weekend because of Spring Equinox holiday. Sidra wasn’t feeling well and we were still really not in the mood for going out too much, so we spent the weekend doing things at home.

My husband spent time by finishing his watercolor drawing for the raffle. It depicts a bunny in the process of standing up again after falling.

Not-so-nice-things do happen

This is his blurbs: “May the good karma flows abundantly to those who do, or at least try to do, nice things to others. I don’t even know what karma is. I just think that it is nice if nice things happen to nice people.

The amount of not-so-nice things can be overwhelming. But if I can just try to do one smallest thing that may be nice for others, and somebody can feel just a little bit nicer than before, that would be nice, I think.


He’s a bit weird, I guess. I think what he’s trying to say was that bad things do happen sometimes, but it is a part of life and the least we can do is trying to stand up again.

He also made another drawing, based on one of Sidra’s drawing. Sometime ago, my husband loved to make his interpretation of Sidra’s drawings. Sidra was only 5 years old at the time. As Sidra grew older, his drawings get more complicated and now my husband were inspired again to make an interpretation.

This is something that Sidra drew, the title is Jigoku, it means ‘hell’. I’m not really sure why Sidra picked this theme for his drawing. There are lots of scary monsters in the drawing, you can also see that the big hell monster has a person between its teeth. More detail shots in this post.

Jigoku (Hell)
Jigoku (Hell) by Sidra Putra. colored pencils and watercolor. 38x54 cm (15x21.2 in)

This is my husband’s version. When he finished drawing it, my husband felt that the picture has some kind of dark energy. Maybe it is his feeling of everything that has happened since the quake last week, his anxiety, fear, and worries.

Jigoku (Hell) by Mamad Purbo. watercolor and ink. 21x23 cm (8.2x9 in)

My husband and Sidra are going to auction their drawings together for Japan Quake Appeal. If you like to have both drawings, please go HERE to bid on them. Starting bid is $10 and the winner paid the bid directly to GlobalGiving. I will send it anywhere in the world in protective plastic sleeve rolled in a cardboard tube.



9 Responses to Japan Quake Appeal Auction: Jigoku (Hell)

  1. I really love your site, and am so so very glad you and your family are safe. I have linked to one of your projects on my very inferior blog, which I hope you don’t mind. You are such an inspiration in more ways than the creative and your entire family enjoy such great gifts. Thank you for sharing them with us. Cyd

  2. I’m so sorry your family is going through so much anxiety and worry, and I’m thinking of you a lot still… and by the way, your son and your husband are such talented artists! These are just beautiful drawings! Does your husband exhibit his artwork?

    • Thank you Carolyn. Right now it is not the quake and tsunami anymore but the city looks depressed because the lights are dimmed. I guess it makes everyone feel stressed out. But everytime I remind myself that thousands people up north are stressed and depressed for bigger reasons, so I need to get used to this and distract myself by doing things.
      My husband is actually a computer programmer, drawing is one of his hobby. And he always feels unsatisfied with his drawings! I don’t agree at all with him 😀

  3. Just a quick thank you. I follow your blog, loving all of the art you produce. Usually I lurk, but I am just so grateful for your posting on the earthquake and for sharing your experience with “us”. Your families’ safety is a blessing and “we” continue to pray for the safety of others in your community.

    • I really like that painting when I was little! The hell depiction was so intense, I guess I was a bit traumatized by it 😛 I might have shown it to Sidra and got him inspired too. Thank you Leah!

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