He’s home!

After FIVE hours walking nonstop, one train trip, and 15 minutes biking from our station, my husband is finally home! Red eyes, blisters on the heels, freezing ears and all, but we’re together at last! I feel like I’m going to cry now T_T

He said that there were a lot of people walking home with him, some were even running. Here’s a few pictures that he took before his iPhone battery died. These are people stranded in Shinjuku station, they were watching news from the big television. My husband’s office was trashed and there were cracks on the wall. We are still experiencing aftershocks until now.

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Be with your loved ones and stay safe, everyone!

142 Responses to He’s home!

  1. i’m reading you fron italy, when i heard about the quake i thought about you hoping you and your family was fine…i’m really glad to hear that you are all together now!biggest hugs ever!

  2. I’m so happy to read that your little family is safe and sound! I have been thinking of you often. Sidra looks very brave. Hugs to you.


  3. I am happy that you and your family are together and well! After hearing the news I immediately checked your blog…

    I wish you a lot of strength for the next days! Hopefully the situation in Fukushima 1 won’t get worse…

    Take care!


  4. Me alegro muchísimo que tu marido y tu estéis a salvo los dos. Espero que las réplicas terminen pronto y vuelva todo a la normalidad, si es que es posible. Desde Madrid, España, espero que todo vaya bien. Muchos besos, seguiré pendiente de tus noticias!!!
    Saludos, Anabel.

  5. I’ve been traveling home for the last two days, so I have not yet seen all the news, but I am so glad to see that you and your family are safe! <3

  6. I’m so glad you are all safe! Horrible news coming in here all the time, we just hope that you guys are ok and this nightmare will be over soon!!!!
    Lots of love from Germany! And thank you for updating!

  7. I am so glad you are okay! I saw the news and thought of you immediately! It’s funny how you get to know someone even when you don’t really know them. Stay safe x

  8. We are so glad to hear that you & your family our safe. Our thoughts are with your country. Blessings to you – from Arizona, USA

  9. Halo Mbak. Syukurlah semua dah berkumpul lagi. Saya dah capek hati dengan gempa-gempa susulan ini. Heran betul ngeliat gimana kalemnya orang Jepang dalam suasana begini. Semoga gempa susulan ini segera berakhir ya Mbak. Please stay safe and alert.

  10. Wow, I have only started to follow your blog recently, but after finding out about Japan on the news today, I started to worry about if you and your family are okay over there. I can only imagine what everyone is going through, God willing everyone will stay safe and well.

  11. I have followed your blog for a while, but I don’t think I ever commented before. Just wanted to let you know I have had you on my mind all day. I hope you continue to be safe and well. My heart is in Japan today!

    in Missouri, USA

  12. Very glad to read this. Japan has been in the world’s collective heart over these past days. My husband spent a lot of time traveling to Sendai for business, so we felt very invested in the area.

  13. Thank goodness you are all safe. I don’t comment often, but read you always. I was very happy to hear that you, your son and husband were all safe at home. Take care.

  14. I’m so glad to hear that you and your family are reunited and safe! The aftermath of the quake and tsunami is devastating to those of us watching it on TV, and must be a nightmare in person…please let us know if there is anything we can do to help! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone affected by this disaster!

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