He’s home!

After FIVE hours walking nonstop, one train trip, and 15 minutes biking from our station, my husband is finally home! Red eyes, blisters on the heels, freezing ears and all, but we’re together at last! I feel like I’m going to cry now T_T

He said that there were a lot of people walking home with him, some were even running. Here’s a few pictures that he took before his iPhone battery died. These are people stranded in Shinjuku station, they were watching news from the big television. My husband’s office was trashed and there were cracks on the wall. We are still experiencing aftershocks until now.

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Be with your loved ones and stay safe, everyone!

142 Responses to He’s home!

  1. Hello, I have been a reader for a while now, I haven’t commented before but I had to tell you today how glad I am that you are all safe and together.

  2. I was so happy to see this post from you. I heard about the quake on my way to work and as soon as I got home I was nervous to check my email. I don’t know you personally, but I love following your blog. You have such a beautiful family and I’m relieved to hear you are all well and together.

  3. Dear Novita,
    I’m so glad and relieved to hear that all your family are safe and well.
    I was also happy to hear from Yoshimi that she and her family are OK

  4. So glad to hear you are all okay. I don’t really know you, but from reading your blog for so long, I feel as if I do. I thought of you and your family as soon as I heard the news.

    Blessings to you.
    Susie Bryan (Springfield, MO, USA)

  5. can’t imagine what you are all going through…be safe & our prayers are with you all. i swear when i heard the news, i said, “ooo one of my favorite bloggers lives in japan!” so i went on your site. best wishes!!

  6. I read your blog regularly. I am glad to hear you are all together again and safe. You are in my prayers. Stay strong.

  7. We saw it on TV. We couldnt believe our eyes. We live here in Hawaii so we were all preparing for the Tsunami to hit here in our Islands. I think the biggest waves here were 9 ft. Some damage to roads but nothing big. We are all praying for the people there in Japan. Glad your husband made it home safely. Aloha!!

  8. I love reading your blog, and even though I don’t know you personally, I am so glad to see that you are all safe and sound. I used to live in Sendai and I cannot get over the news. Best wishes!

  9. I am so glad to hear that your family is back together and that you are doing ok. You are in my thoughts and my prayers, as well as all the other families being affected right now by the earthquake and tsunami.

    Steph in South Dakota, USA

  10. I am so glad that you all are all together and everyone is OK!!. Just know our thoughts and prayers are with you, your family and everyone affected by this earthquake and tsunami.

  11. I saw the news on TV and it really shocked me seeing all the damage made by the earthquake and the tsunami. I’m so glad you are all OK! Stay safe. Hugs!

  12. I’m glad everyone is home safe now. Stay safe and my heart goes out to everyone affected in your country. I live on the West coast in California’s bay area and we are on tsunami watch all day. Good thoughts for everyone.

  13. Oooh, I am so glad to hear, that you are all together. Stay safe, take care. You are still in my thoughts.

    Hold on Japan and everybody who lives there!

  14. I can only imagine what you are going through watching in horror shots from the tsunami and the earthquake. Happy to hear you are safe and together!!

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