He’s home!

After FIVE hours walking nonstop, one train trip, and 15 minutes biking from our station, my husband is finally home! Red eyes, blisters on the heels, freezing ears and all, but we’re together at last! I feel like I’m going to cry now T_T

He said that there were a lot of people walking home with him, some were even running. Here’s a few pictures that he took before his iPhone battery died. These are people stranded in Shinjuku station, they were watching news from the big television. My husband’s office was trashed and there were cracks on the wall. We are still experiencing aftershocks until now.

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Be with your loved ones and stay safe, everyone!

142 Responses to He’s home!

  1. When I saw the news on tv tonight, it was really incredible ! The waves were so huge, so fast, the houses and the cars were sliding on the water like toys on the snow. I’m happy that you and your family is safe and your home still a home. So many people will stay without nothing … Take care and be blessed. Kisses

  2. Sending you lots of kisses and happy vibes from Zagreb, Croatia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I am so glad that you are finally together!

  3. I live in San Franicsco, California in the US. Just found out the 8.9 earthquake in Japan few hours ago.

    I am glad to see the earthquake posting on your blog. I am so happy to hear that your husband is home safe.

    Take care!

  4. So glad to know you guys are okay. I turned on the news and saw the earthquake and for some reason the first thing I thought of was you guys. Hope you and the family are working through this okay. Hang in there!

  5. So sad too see and hear what is going on happy your husband is with you and your son, prayers go out too all of you there meanwhile am concerned my daughter and family members are waiting in Hawaii for tusami our President ia SPEAKING RIGHT NOW FOR YOU ALL TOO HELP by from Florida USA

  6. I wasn’t at home when I found out about the earthquake. and I was really worried about you and the guys! I’m so glad to know you are okay.
    stay safe!

  7. I am so sorry your country is experiencing such a horrible disaster! I wish you all safety and peace so that you may recover quickly! I’m so happy your husband is home and you are both safe! I wish that for all!

  8. I’m glad to know things are ok with your family, and am feeling awful for the families who have lost loved ones. We’re experiencing Tsunami warnings here on the West Coast of America from your earthquake so far away. Be well!

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