He’s home!

After FIVE hours walking nonstop, one train trip, and 15 minutes biking from our station, my husband is finally home! Red eyes, blisters on the heels, freezing ears and all, but we’re together at last! I feel like I’m going to cry now T_T

He said that there were a lot of people walking home with him, some were even running. Here’s a few pictures that he took before his iPhone battery died. These are people stranded in Shinjuku station, they were watching news from the big television. My husband’s office was trashed and there were cracks on the wall. We are still experiencing aftershocks until now.

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Be with your loved ones and stay safe, everyone!

142 Responses to He’s home!

  1. I live in Malaysia and when the news hit later this evening, you were the first thing that popped into my mind. I was so worried but now I’m so happy to know that you and your family are safe. Blessings to you and all your friends.

  2. Glad you are all safe. I lived in Japan for a couple of years as a child and remember some strong quakes that shook books and knick-knacks off shelves, but nothing this strong.

  3. I’m glad you’re all together now!!
    I was checking every ten minutes for an update!!!
    A big hug from Italy. We’re thinking to all of you in Japan.

  4. Glad to hear your family is safe. It’s very scary experience going through natural disasters. I myself lived in Philippines when Typhoon Ondoy (Ketsana) had hit Manila. Not to mention that I currently live in the Texas gulf where we have annual hurricanes, flooding and tropical storms. Stay safe!

  5. glad you’re husband is sound and safe. and you guys are all united!!
    I have my sis and a couple uncles(and cousins) in Tokyo. hope they are all alright!!

  6. Je passe tous les jours ici sans poster de commentaires, mais aujourd’hui je voulais vous dire que j’étais contente de vous savoir en bonne santé, vous et votre famille. Soyez prudents.

  7. I am greatly relieved for your sake, and so happy you three are reunited. The news from the affected area is very disturbing, however, and I grieve with the Japanese people for their loss.

  8. Thanks so much for keeping us posted. Your blog is lovely in so many ways, and I’m so happy to hear that you and your loved ones are safe.

  9. I usually do not review but I was so shocked today when I switched on tv this morning… I am so happy your husband got home okay. Take care of yourselves…

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