He’s home!

After FIVE hours walking nonstop, one train trip, and 15 minutes biking from our station, my husband is finally home! Red eyes, blisters on the heels, freezing ears and all, but we’re together at last! I feel like I’m going to cry now T_T

He said that there were a lot of people walking home with him, some were even running. Here’s a few pictures that he took before his iPhone battery died. These are people stranded in Shinjuku station, they were watching news from the big television. My husband’s office was trashed and there were cracks on the wall. We are still experiencing aftershocks until now.

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Be with your loved ones and stay safe, everyone!

142 Responses to He’s home!

  1. dear Novita,
    am a regular surfer and just happened to chance on your blog.i’m really glad to know that you and your family are safe.may God always keep you strong,safe and lucky.my heart goes out to all your country people.you will always be in my prayers.be safe and God bless.

  2. I am very glad to hear that you 3 are together and well. I am sending you my very best wishes from Germany. I hope your country will heal soon and that you all find the strength to carry on. All my thoughts are with you.

  3. I’m a so happy to hear that you and your family are safe and together. We are following the scary news on television and in the papers. My heart bleeds for all of those how has lost their homes, and even worse, lost family members.

  4. Dear verypurple person ,I thin k of you and your family,so happy that you are safe,but I think of you and all the trouble it will be for you and the japanese people,I hope that everything is going to be good for you!! Big hugs from me to you

  5. i am so glad to hear that all three of you are together and safe! I’ve been following your blog and absolutely adore your love and passion for your family. May God Bless you and your family and Japan.

  6. I hope everything is getting better for u over in Tokyo. I pray hard for all of u in japan. Feel so sorry for what happened. I have actually recently chanced upon your blog. Loved reading your blog!

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