Earthquake today

Sidra today with bosaizukin

A quick news. A big earthquake happened around 3 pm today. I was really scared because I’ve never experienced earthquake that big before. Books were falling off the shelves and the building was shaking. Several aftershocks was coming afterwards.

I went to school to pick Sidra up, the kids were already out in the schoolyard wearing bosaizukin (head protector). Several kids were crying. Sidra was frightened but he was okay.

My husband was at the office when the quake happened. He left the office immediately and went home. The trains and buses have suspended operation so he walked home from Shinjuku, which is very far from our house. He still haven’t reached home at this moment. He sent me email about 2 hours ago but afterwards his phone battery died.

I feel very nervous right now.

Thank you for all the messages! I will update when my husband got home.

53 Responses to Earthquake today

  1. Hi there!!!
    I hope you are fine now.
    I fully understand the situation you’re going through, I live in Chile and last year we live in the biggest earthquake in history … I hope that gradually things will normalize and you’re safe with your family and can support each other because fear stays with you a few days. Lots of love and peace from Chile.

  2. I am so happy your family is safe and hubby is home.. I thought about you when I heard about everything.. My friend lives in
    Shinjuku and just walked 2 hours to kichijoji with a friend.. His wife is still at work.. Staying the night there.. All so crazy!!

  3. I am so glad to see a post from you! I hope your husband has made it home and you are all together now. Thinking and praying for all of you.
    Jess from New Mexico, USA

  4. I don’t find the right words – no-one here in germany can imagine what you are going through. I have seen the pictures on tv and it’s really horrible.
    I’m hoping your husband will get home soon and he will be okay!

    Thinking of you and your family.
    Michaela from Mülheim, Germany.

  5. We are sending our best wishes to you and your family, Novita, and to all who have been affected by this tragedy. Of course we hope for the best, but know that you have many friends who are deeply concerned. You are not alone. We here in the U.S. want to help in any way we can. Please stay safe.

  6. i’ve first read your blog and i thought it wasn’t so serious because i know that Japan is well prepared for earthquakes, but then i have seen the images on tv, and it’s terrible. I hope everything is okay. From Spain. Mariló

  7. Woke up today and heard about the earthquake and tsunami. Immediately thought of you and checked your blog. I don’t know how far your husband has to walk but at least you know he was unharmed before his cell phone died….and he has access to email. I’ll surely be checking back today if you happen to post an update and hoping for the best!

    In my thoughts….


  8. I dont have a blog but i follow yours. When i saw the earthquake and tsunami on the news i immediately thought of you. I am praying that you and your family will remain unharmed. I am also praying for everyone in Japan. I am in the USA. God bless you.

  9. Woke up to this news and thought of you. Praying and sending good thoughts out for you and your family. I hope your husband gets home soon. Waiting for good news.

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