Earthquake today

Sidra today with bosaizukin

A quick news. A big earthquake happened around 3 pm today. I was really scared because I’ve never experienced earthquake that big before. Books were falling off the shelves and the building was shaking. Several aftershocks was coming afterwards.

I went to school to pick Sidra up, the kids were already out in the schoolyard wearing bosaizukin (head protector). Several kids were crying. Sidra was frightened but he was okay.

My husband was at the office when the quake happened. He left the office immediately and went home. The trains and buses have suspended operation so he walked home from Shinjuku, which is very far from our house. He still haven’t reached home at this moment. He sent me email about 2 hours ago but afterwards his phone battery died.

I feel very nervous right now.

Thank you for all the messages! I will update when my husband got home.

53 Responses to Earthquake today

  1. thinking of you here in NY as well. just keep thinking good things with sidra! a long walk is probably just taking him longer with everything that’s happened. i wouldn’t be surprised if he’s made stops along the way to help others. i’m so glad you heard from him that he’s on the way.
    much much love! oona

  2. Hi, I was just making your reversable bag yesterday and I love it so much. I was thinking how generous you are to share…and I woke up to the news of the terrible earthquake. I am so sad for your country, glad you and your family are safe though. From Providence, Rhode Island to you.

  3. Thank you for taking time to tell all your friends around the world that you are OK. I’ll keep checking until I see your husband has arrived home safely.

  4. I am looking at all the film of the quake and tsunami. My heart goes out to the people of Japan. Stay safe and I’ll say a prayer for your family.

  5. What we see on the news is just terrible. All my thoughts are for Japan. Good to hear your family is ok, though. Thanks for informing us! I hope your husbands gets home safe and soon!

  6. Thinking of you (actually my first thought this morning when I heard about it went out to you). Hope hubby gets home safe and you and your loved ones are safe.

  7. Hey Sweet pea
    Just saw the news here in Denmark – and it absolutely horrifying what we are seeing on the news in tv and the net.
    Pray that you are okay – and your family are to.
    Hope you able to make a comment soon as we ar worried about the whole thing.
    Take care of them all.
    Big hugs from Lone
    In Denmark

  8. It is really a horrible day. We are watching CNN and feel sorry for everyone in that Pacific region, especially for the Japanese, my thoughts are there with you :(

    Take care, hugs form Hungary!

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