“Don’t make anyone your everything…”

Ikebukuro, September 2007 - photo by Marianne

“…because when they leave you’ll have nothing.”

I don’t believe that. I’ve chosen to give all my heart and trust completely, and let someone becomes the sun that my life revolves around. And what if it turned out that he was unfaithful? What if he fell out of love? What if he decided to leave? What if? What if? Oh so many of them, why should I  waste my time thinking of all the bad possibilities? But if it happened, then I’ll be broken-hearted just like everybody else.

I’ve been there. I know how it was like to feel as if I had nothing. On the other hand, I also know how it felt to be the cause of the pain. Human heart can’t be trusted, even our own heart can be deceitful to us. Whether I give him all my heart or not, I will still be broken-hearted if he left. It doesn’t matter. Holding back my trust and love won’t make the pain any less if anything happened.

So I let myself fall completely in love. Because being in love makes my life beautiful. Nobody knows anything about tomorrow, but today I know that I will love you until the day I die. So cheesy but oh so true.

Here’s another cheesy thing that I wrote some time ago, and I still believe in it. “It should be this simple. No fancy words and pretty metaphors. I look at you and you look at me and we don’t have to talk if we don’t want to. You don’t want me to change and I don’t want you to change either because we’ll change together anyway. We won’t have to care about those games that people play though so many books have been written about them. I just want to curl up in your arms and feel comfortable because I know you will be feeling the same. And when sometimes I think that nothing could be this simple, I will remember that it should be just this simple. And so on and it goes on forever.”

Today is three years since our wedding day, and I’m still head over heels in love for you. Three wonderful years since we started our journey together as a  a family. This is my everything, and I want nothing else.

30 Responses to “Don’t make anyone your everything…”

  1. Beautiful words! We recently just celebrated our wedding anniversary, too (a first for us).

    I totally agree with what you said. Whether you love completely or not, you’d still be broken-hearted if the relationship falls apart.

    “A fall from the third floor hurts as much as a fall from the hundredth. If I have to fall, may it be from a high place.” — from my favorite book By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept by Paulo Coelho.

  2. Happy belated Anniversary!
    You made me cry! It is so beautiful, so true what you wrote! The “if” bug is not any good and it ended damaging the relationship. I believe that a marriage is not easy but that’s part of its charm: you both work hard to make it work, because you both believe in the commitment and together, holding hands, you find a way to get over difficulties and make stronger the bond… Whatever has to happen, will happen… but till then, live and love and enjoy!
    I’ve been married now 5 years and it hasn’t been easy although I don’t regret at all marrying my husband. We met in Egypt, while working in archaeology; we married that same year although we didn’t spend more that 3 months physically together in the same place; the day after our wedding we moved to a new country for both of us… We knew since day 1 that we were meant to be together, but we started our marriage having to know each other and learning about the other. No, it has been difficult sometimes, also because of the cultural differences (I am Spanish and he is American, and we live in The Netherlands). But do you know what? I love him deeply, and I know he loves me in the same way. And we have a beautiful daughter that makes us so happy… And here we are, with our challenges and uncertainties, but determined to keep walking together through life.
    You have a beautiful family, a very happy family… I just have to look at your pictures to know that you are where you have to be, and that you are finally a very happy woman! You deserve it.

    • It’s a wonderful story, Marga. Thank you for sharing it with us.
      My husband and I got married 7 months after we met and with him in Japan while I was still in other country, we also didn’t spend more than 2 months physically together. I was prepared to be depressed or having some culture shock after moving to Japan, but turned out those never happened. Of course there were difficulties and all but it seemed that we just breezed through.
      Happy Valentine to you and your beautiful family!

  3. Your words are very beauiful and say exactly what is in my heart when I look at the man I fell in love with two years ago. Each day I have with him I am blessed..thank you for putting into words what I could only feel.

  4. This is something to really think a about the days i dont feel so confident,Love is the only way to go,thank you for sharing and Happy valentimes day for our and your family.

  5. So sweet to read. I re-married 20 years ago — and my five year old son walked down the aisle ahead of me — dreams do come true. All of my best to you and your family!

    • That is wonderful! It happened to me 3 years ago and I hope I will be at your place 20 years from now. Yes sometimes dreams do come true ^_^

  6. Your words brought tears to my eyes… this year will be 3 years of my marriage as well.. and though there will always be some troubles in our lives, we have just to look into each others eyes and let the love flow and solutions to problems arrive like magic….. trust is so important. I totally agree with you, and I identify myself with your story soooo much! You’re a fountain of inspiration! Happy Anniversary!!

  7. Happy Anniversary! I agree wholeheartedly with your words, although it wasn’t always the case as I was afraid of getting hurt, but then I realised that feeling regret because you didn’t give it your all was just as bad.

  8. Happy Anniversary!
    And I love that you psted this! My mum always used to say to me the “don’t make anyone your everything”, butu in different words.
    I chose not to listen and at times think maybe I am wrong.
    But my point of view, why love when you can not love completely?

  9. Happy Anniversary! :) Love to see your beautiful family photos. :) They makes me smiles.. and your beautifully written words, cast a beautiful smile on me. :)I know how much you love your family.

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