Sunny day at the park

Yesterday was a national holiday here in Japan. We went to Kichijoji to take a walk in the Inokashira park and play with guinea pigs in the small zoo. Guinea pigs = kawaii! (*_*)  What a lovely day!

Kichijoji Inokashira park

In the swanboat!
In the swanboat!
Inokashira lake
Inokashira lake
Inokashira lake
Inokashira lake
Guinea pig
Guinea pig

Guinea pigs Kawaii *_*

5 Responses to Sunny day at the park

  1. Absolutely lovely sky for a winter day! Japan has many of those! I would love to have a bit of that, and snowy days at time, but you can’t usually have your cake and eat it too!

    • It is getting colder actually, although I’m sure will never be as cold as in your place. We don’t see much snow in Tokyo, so next week we’re going out of town to find some place with snow to play :)

  2. happy happy pictures! is that a japanese maple in the background? at least that’s what we call it here, as i type it i realize it may not be its real name… they’re my favorite :)

    • Yes they are Japanese maple, they are called irohamomiji here. The red colour is so intense!
      I’m still not used of leaves in colour other than green. In tropical country (where I come from), leaves are always green 😀

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