Discovering Blogher

This is a compensated review by BlogHer.

I found Blogher several months ago when I did some research to find the best ad network for my blog. You can see now that there’s a Blogher ad on the sidebar with links to featured posts from other blogs. I often clicked the links out of curiosity, and then found out that they were indeed very interesting to read! And while reading the posts, I got to find several new blogs to be added in my RSS reader.

I guess those are the first things that attracted me to the Blogher community. It made me realize that Blogher is so much more than just an advertising network. I went ahead to explore the main site to find out more. What is Blogher anyway? It is a community and media company created in partnership with women in social media. There are great writing on almost any subject, and you can even be one of the writer (following the community guidelines) and connect with other people. It’s like an interactive newspaper for women.

Now Blogher is one of the sites that I visit everyday. There are several sections and features, and my favorite right now is the Own Your Beauty series, where there are articles by women in their journey to find the acceptance of their own beauty. It’s really refreshing to see how beautiful all of them are, yet so different from one another. Beauty comes in many forms, not a set of standards that we have to impossibly go through all in order to be considered beautiful.

My other favorite is the She vs Her, where two women shared their different opinions about one thing.  In this article, She vs. Her: The decision about circumcision, two bloggers shared their opinions and how they finally decided what to do with their sons. After reading it, I came to finalize my own decision, something that had bugged me for years.

The recipes are pretty interesting too, like this Weekend Menu Planning or 12 Days of Holiday Cookies series. I really need to visit them more often. I also love to browse 90 Projects for Educational Fun at Home to find interesting activities for Sidra.

And of course there are Exclusive Offers section with lots of giveaways and sweepstakes. Unfortunately, most of them are for US and Canada residents only, but I hope it will change sometime in the future. But if you are are US and Canadian Residents (except Quebec) who are 18 or older, here’s an opportunity to win a 16GB Apple iPad! Visit this week’s Sweepstakes post on The contest is running today through Sunday, December 26th!

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