Birthday giveaway winners!

Thank you to the 105 wonderful people who have participated in my birthday giveaway! The giveaway has closed and now it’s time to announce the winners!

I used the Random Integer Generator from to pick 4 lucky numbers, and here they are!

Congratulations  to carmencitaBMeikeVanessaBarbara, and Laurwyn! I will send email to each winner for shipping details.

Thank you again to all who has participated and shared wonderful stories and opinion. I enjoyed reading all of them! So many interesting and lovely stories ^_^

10 Responses to Birthday giveaway winners!

  1. Congrats to the winners! I loved reading their stories and I love how your readership Novita spreads across all ages!
    Happy Birthday to you! I can’t believe your age, I thought you were much younger.
    Warmest wishes!

  2. I am just thrilled, Novita! It is especially meaningful because it is the only gift I will have gotten for my birthday, which is shared with you. Thank you for your kindness and generosity; I truly will treasure the beautiful wallet. Thank you so much!

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