Birthday giveaway! – CLOSED

SewNews Dec 2010/Jan 2011
As seen in Sew News magazine!

Thank you so much for all the sweet messages on my birthday post! I’m sorry if I couldn’t reply to all, but I read all the messages and they brought a warm feeling to my heart. Sidra was not feeling well and he didn’t go to school, while my husband was working at home, so all of us just stay at home today. But there were so many messages and best wishes from everybody from all over the world! Internet is wonderful and scary at the same time, isn’t it?

Anyway, it’s now time for a birthday giveaway! I love doing this! Do you recognize these organizer wallets? They were featured in Sew News magazine, December 2010/January 2011 issue. Here’s an online version of the tutorial in Sew News website. These wallets were sent back to me after Sew News magazine finished taking pictures of them, and they arrived just in time for my birthday giveaway!

Organizer wallets
Organizer wallets giveaway!

The men’s version (the black one with white cars) has been snatched by my husband, so I have the other 4 wallets available:

Organizer wallets

  1. Grey fabric with special delivery stamps pattern. Cotton with newspaper print for the inside. Cotton twill tie closure and wristlet strap.
  2. Turquoise flowers. Purplish double-gauze cotton for the inside. Magnetic closure and wristlet strap.
  3. Green fabric with wreath pattern. Purple and white stripes double-gauze cotton on the inside. Button and elastic closure and wristlet strap. Small brown doily detail on the outside.
  4. For kids! Wonky houses and roads. Dotted cream fabric on the inside. Magnetic closure and shoulder strap.

All outer fabrics are quality Japanese linen. The wallets measured 23×15 cm when closed and 23×30 cm when opened. More pictures of the wallets in my flickr album.

This giveaway is open to everyone, everywhere. To enter, just leave a comment telling me which wallet that you prefer. To make it more interesting than a ‘pick me! pick me!’ comment, I would love to hear about your birthday and age-related story/opinion!

Please make sure that you fill the email column correctly so I can contact you (the email won’t be published). I will select four winners at random and announce the names on Monday, December 13.

Good luck!

This giveaway is now closed. Thank you for participating!


  • I have a 20% off sale going on in my shop! Use the code VPPBDAY upon checkout to receive your discount! The code is valid until the end of this year.
  • And if you’re a member of Burdastyle, don’t forget to checkout the 50 finalists of the BERNINA ‘Party Through the Decades’ International Competition at Burdastyle and submit your vote to your favorite! My dress is there too, you can vote for it but only if you like it! ^_^

109 Responses to Birthday giveaway! – CLOSED

  1. Happy birthday Novita. I love to join and prefer the grey or cartoon fabric.

    My birthday is in the month of June, and what I like most it is also my anniversary month and my boy was also born in that month. So, all in all, June is d best month through out the year.


  2. Hi,

    First of all, happy birthday to you :-)

    I am going to turn 26 next month. Time flies…

    Hmmm, birthday is the time for me to give thanks to my love ones (family and friends), for being part of my life, and enrich my life. I also thank God for the bringing me to this wonderful world, where I surrounded by love and blessings.

    People enter and leave my life, at various time points and places.
    For those who love me, I appreciate every cherish moment that i spent with them.
    For those who hurt me, I still want to thank them for giving me a chance to learn to be strong and grow wise.

    I still anticipate my birthday every year, no matter how old I am.
    The reason is—I count my days by the blessings and happiness that I gain, not the day “lost”.

    As fot the wallet, I prefer the purple one. Thanks for the giveaway.
    May your days be filled with laughters and blessings :-)


  3. I try to get my family to buy me fabric for my birthdays, but the males refuse to hear me. Haven’t seen Sew News over here, hopefully we’ll get to see it one day.

  4. I LOVE TO HAVE THE GORGEOUS GREEN ONE! PICK ME~~~ PICK ME~~~~ PLEASE….~~~~ PLEASE~~~ I will make sure I will be good next year, Santarina Novita :p

    I am not a organize person, maybe through this organize wallet will be a great start for my year 2011 to be well organize ^ ^

    My birthday in year 2010, I turn to 32, I am not aware of I am turning older, as I am cuter and have more things that I love, my sewing, my bf. The sweetest birthday that I celebrate with my new bf, someone that truly appreciate all my sewing, and never stop me in sewing. And I sew him a adult booties for his birthday, he loves it, even though it is not good one, but I re sew for him, as I truly felt his love to me.

    If I received this beautiful wallet, I will take a nice photo with naked shoulder XP I really mean it!!! hehehe

  5. I love the green one. I bought the magazine so I can make some of my own for gifts. Very inspirational.

    Birthdays. Hmmm. I’m over 60 and have had some good ones and not so good. I remember the good ones and don’t care about the others. Being with my family is the best present.

    I, too, am inspired by your blog. I keep up with fashion and love to sew.

  6. Hi! I just discovered your site last night as I was looking for make up bag tutorials. I am very inspired by your site! You make beautiful projects and I am inspired by how funky and professionally-made everything looks. keep up the good work!

    I just turned 30 myself this year and it wasn’t a big deal until the last couple weeks coming up the actual date. Funny – I relate to what you’re saying with the discovery of new grey hairs myself, the mild beginnings of sagging, and trying to accept it all with grace, because I do see so many older women who I still think are so beautiful because of their inner selves. And I never thought myself a vain person (I do construction based work and am quite happy working in my Carhart coveralls and baseball cap), but I do find myself worrying about and wanting to hang on to my physical youth (I too am asian and still get carded!)

    Well, life is such a journey I suppose and even though some days it’s hard when aging signs seem especially noticeable, I am happy to embrace the whole experience, both the ups and downs.

    Keep up with your talented work and I hope to receive one of your beautiful creations! All the wallets are beautiful, but my ranking of favourites would be: 1) green one 2) one with text 3) pink/purple/white patterned one 4) kids’ one :)

    Cheers and thanks for sharing!!

  7. hi..

    happy belated besday~!

    i really like the Turquoise flowers one. Purplish double-gauze cotton for the inside. Magnetic closure and wristlet strap.

    about my besday..this month is my besday..

    on 24th dec..can i get this wallet as my besday present??




  8. Happy birthday to you!!! and many happy returns!
    My sister left a message on my FB wall today with the link to your blog asking me to sew her the kids version wallet.
    Coincidentally you are having these lovely wallets as giveaways, i thought, why not try my luck. Her birthday is coming up on January 3rd. She will be 24. Winning the kids wallet for her would be the perfect gift.

  9. All wallets are beautiful..but i love the GREEN one :)

    My birthday is on December 24, so I have never properly celebrated, since it’s always about Xmas..

  10. Wishing you a very happy belated birthday Novita! You look beautiful.

    I love to read about your little family. I also have a hubby and a boy, but my boy is now 15 and taller than me. I had him when I was 37 so I had the pleasure of raising a little kid all through my 40s :) Enjoy every moment with your little Sidra. He’s so cute!

    When I first saw the clothing you sew on Burda Style I wished I was tall, so that I could wear things like that. But then I discovered that you are petite like me! You have given me a lot of inspiration to start sewing more of my clothes. Thank you!

    BTW, I like the green organizer. It has a little rabbit on it and we have three rabbits as well as many other farm animals. My son takes care of the rabbits.

    All best wishes to you and your family.


  11. First of all, happy birthday!
    I don’t want to ruin your good mood, but I feel I should share something with you: I’m from Israel, and these days we have a major fire in the north, the whole country is dealing with it, and this is all we can hear about in the news.
    Reading your lovely blog in such days really uplifting my mood, and make me feel normal again!
    I LOVE the “For kids” wallet, and I’ll be honored to get it.
    I think I should end my message with an optimistic and happy saying:
    H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y, and may your wishes come true!


  12. Happy Birthday!!! Shouldn’t you be receiving presents on your birthday rather than giving them away?? Anyway, I hope enjoy your birthday, and I hope you get huge presents!!!

    Okay…a birthday related story. Well this year I turned 13 and I thought my friends forgot it was my birthday, in fact I think I forgot it was my birthday. So at lunch, I went to sit outside the canteen, because that was where we usually sat, and no-one from my group was there. This was strange because our class was actually let out later than most of the other classes. So I sat down and waited for them to come. Then I heard this parade of Happy Birthday erupt from a crowd, and I saw them holding a cake and singing as they came towards me. Well, they didn’t get me such a good present, but the cake and singing made up for that. They bought me the cutest cake ever. It was personalised, so it actually had my name on it, and a giant smiley face. BEST CAKE EVER!!!

    Anyway, sorry for the rambling, that was my birthday story. I hope yours goes just as well. If not, even better.

    By the way, I think that ALL of the wallets are beautiful, but if I had to choose one, I’d choose 1 (Grey fabric with special delivery stamps) or 4 (Wonky houses and roads). I love stationary and art, so I can keep any of my supplies in either! I an’t choose but hopefully you can!

    Once again Happy Birthday, and have a great time. But now that I know your birthday, I can give you even more wishes next year. To 365 days around the sun!

  13. Wow Happy birthday! i really love the stationary wallet variation that you made. i think that the tie front is just darling. But yea i do love birthdays everything seems a little brighter on that day and that is mostly do to loved ones making it special. Also its hard not to love a day when you get to eat cake made/bought especially for you :)By the way i am absolutely in love with your blog. i have been reading it since February and i think every single one of your creations is just beautiful.

  14. Hope you had a lovely birthday!

    I must say, I would never have guessed you wear 39! I think having good skin can make such a difference. My mum has good skin so I can only hope to age well like her and you, Novita.

    Up til now I have always been very excited about birthdays, but I was ill over my 16th earlier this year and it gave me tine to think…I’m not sure I want to get much older! Of course it will be great to be able to support myself and not rely on my parents so much, but with that comes responsibility, not sure I’m prepared for all that yet!

    Anyway, back to those beautiful purses..I love any fabric with newsprint and quirky patterns on so would gave to choose the first one. Congrats again on being featured, they are lovely! :)

  15. Happy Belated Birthday. My birthday is next week and normally it is just another day. I remember the excitement and anticipation as a kid…looking forward to my special day. Hard to choose a favourite wallet…they all have a personality of their own. I would be happy with any on them. Thanks for a chance to win.

  16. Happy belated birthday from Hokkaido!!
    My birthday was on the 29th! I turned 30 this year so I really wasn’t looking forward to it, but I haven’t found any grey hairs yet, so I guess being 30 isn’t too terrible.
    After I was born, my mother forgot which day she gave birth to me, and wrote in Nov. 30th on all the baby announcements (I found the baby announcement in an old scrapbook in elementary school and I’ve made fun of her for it every year since then). She’s never been very good at remembering my birthday, but this year she actually remembered to call ON my birthday without me having to remind her when it is. :)
    All of your wallets are so cute, but since I’m still a kid at heart, I dig the Wonkey houses and roads wallet the most.

  17. Hello, I have turned 30 in October and feel fine about it, even if it was a change for me… But to be honest, I would´t like t be 20 again. It is better now with a husband and work!

    All the best for you from Blackforest/Germany


  18. Happy belated birthday! I like the Wonky House and Roads…I guess I am still a kid at heart although I will be 40 this coming March! 😀 My best birthday ever was a trip to Australia many eons ago, a gift from my parents. I was still considered too young (18) to travel on my own, so my parents planned the trip in conjunction with my cousin’s wedding in April. It was an awesome trip and will forever remember it1

  19. Happy Birthday to you! Many blessings for the coming year!
    I love all of them, and found this so funny since I bought the magazine yesterday because of these on the cover! LOL I did know at the time it was you! WOW!
    My favorites in order are:
    Green fabric with wreath pattern
    Turquoise flowers
    Grey fabric with special delivery stamps pattern.
    For kids! Wonky houses and roads.
    My happy birthday memory is the last one I had before my Parents died 6 years ago, it was when we are all still together, and I had my Mom and Dad with me!
    I love these by the way, that is the main reason I grabbed that magazine! How wild is that they were made by one of my favorite blog crafters!

  20. My favourite wallet is the Special Delivery one. I think that’s the ‘correspondence’ wallet, isn’t it? I’m 33. I like being in my thirties. My mum says she enjoyed every decade for a different reason and I think that’s a great attitude to have. I also feel that my daughters’ birthdays are important milestones for me, because I remember the pain and joy of bringing them into the world so clearly!

  21. Hi! This is my first comment here and I want you to know I´m a big fan! All the clothes you make are so beautiful and stylish!
    Even though it´s for kids, my favorite organizer is the Wonky houses and roads. Gorgeous!
    Well, talking about my age I’ve been celebrating my 25th birthday in a few years… and that’s why people keep saying I’m getting younger more and more. :-))))
    I think I used to look younger than I actually was but now, since I move to Finland, I think I look older… and that’s the darkness and coldness fault! It’s so depressing… :-/
    But you don´t look 39, for sure!

  22. Green bunnies hopping into my life would be lovely! It’s my first time to your blog and I’m really just here to look around. I came through my friend Kelly Snelling. Age related story/opinion? Don’t do it! And, if you have to, do it gracefully. Good luck with that.

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