Birthday giveaway! – CLOSED

SewNews Dec 2010/Jan 2011
As seen in Sew News magazine!

Thank you so much for all the sweet messages on my birthday post! I’m sorry if I couldn’t reply to all, but I read all the messages and they brought a warm feeling to my heart. Sidra was not feeling well and he didn’t go to school, while my husband was working at home, so all of us just stay at home today. But there were so many messages and best wishes from everybody from all over the world! Internet is wonderful and scary at the same time, isn’t it?

Anyway, it’s now time for a birthday giveaway! I love doing this! Do you recognize these organizer wallets? They were featured in Sew News magazine, December 2010/January 2011 issue. Here’s an online version of the tutorial in Sew News website. These wallets were sent back to me after Sew News magazine finished taking pictures of them, and they arrived just in time for my birthday giveaway!

Organizer wallets
Organizer wallets giveaway!

The men’s version (the black one with white cars) has been snatched by my husband, so I have the other 4 wallets available:

Organizer wallets

  1. Grey fabric with special delivery stamps pattern. Cotton with newspaper print for the inside. Cotton twill tie closure and wristlet strap.
  2. Turquoise flowers. Purplish double-gauze cotton for the inside. Magnetic closure and wristlet strap.
  3. Green fabric with wreath pattern. Purple and white stripes double-gauze cotton on the inside. Button and elastic closure and wristlet strap. Small brown doily detail on the outside.
  4. For kids! Wonky houses and roads. Dotted cream fabric on the inside. Magnetic closure and shoulder strap.

All outer fabrics are quality Japanese linen. The wallets measured 23×15 cm when closed and 23×30 cm when opened. More pictures of the wallets in my flickr album.

This giveaway is open to everyone, everywhere. To enter, just leave a comment telling me which wallet that you prefer. To make it more interesting than a ‘pick me! pick me!’ comment, I would love to hear about your birthday and age-related story/opinion!

Please make sure that you fill the email column correctly so I can contact you (the email won’t be published). I will select four winners at random and announce the names on Monday, December 13.

Good luck!

This giveaway is now closed. Thank you for participating!


  • I have a 20% off sale going on in my shop! Use the code VPPBDAY upon checkout to receive your discount! The code is valid until the end of this year.
  • And if you’re a member of Burdastyle, don’t forget to checkout the 50 finalists of the BERNINA ‘Party Through the Decades’ International Competition at Burdastyle and submit your vote to your favorite! My dress is there too, you can vote for it but only if you like it! ^_^

109 Responses to Birthday giveaway! – CLOSED

  1. Hi, I would love to receive the green one. :)

    U know what? I was like, ‘what??? you got your first strand of white hair on your 39? I got mine when I was in the late 20s!!!!’ sob sob, till now, I still keep looking, checking, examining anymore white appearing, and sadly I found another one yesterday. And I am only 31!! I guess the only remedy is so have a charming and beautiful smile always. Like you always do! :)
    Tanjoubi Omedetou, Novita! Let’s age gracefully!

  2. Happy birthday! I enjoyed reading your birthday post – I would never have guessed you were 39. I am turning 31 in a couple of weeks, so now I am “properly” in my 30s, but it doesn’t bother me or seem as old as it would have a few years ago. It is strange, things like being at university seem not so long ago at all, but it was actually more than 10 years ago.
    I don’t think I look very young, but when I had my son (I was 27) someone stopped me in the street to ask if I was his mother or the nanny… that was quite funny!
    The wallets are beautiful, my favourite is the one with the stamps.
    Suzy x

  3. oooh i love the children’s wallet, it’s so cute! i would totally keep this for myself though! my birthday is two weeks before christmas, so i get a lot of “combo” gifts”. i usually celebrate it along with my little cousin, whose birthday is 4 days after mine, when i drive 4 hours north to visit her and her family for the holidays every year. poor kid, she’s never had a birthday party without sharing her cake with me too. i even had a small birthday party in my aunt’s hospital room when little cousin was born! happy birthday to you, novita!

  4. Happy Birthday! Thanks for the giveaway!
    I really like the turquoise flower wallet. :)

    I had a murder mystery party to celebrate my birthday last year! It was so much fun, though I had to re-schedule it because we got a good 2 ft of snow!!

  5. hi there, tanjobi omedetou or happy birthday!
    thank for the wonderful blog and it’s inspired me!
    i like so much with the no 1! (all no. actually!\(^0^)/ )-newspaper print inside. well our life is just like a newspaper right? have a ton of stories in just a day. have a nice bday ya!

  6. Happy Birthday! My favourite is #3 (but they’re all beautiful).

    I just turned 19 – a very uneventful birthday because I had to go to uni the entire day. By the time I came home, I felt too tired to celebrate so I cooked myself dinner and watched tv! I often feel a little worried that I’m officially an adult but feel like a young kid still!

  7. I love the kids one (#4) or the Flowers one (#2) … they’re all so pretty, that it is HARD to choose just one 😀

    Birthdays are funny things in this house. I tend to try and make my son’s and husband’s birthday a little special for them, they are close together so it can feel a little rushed. But as my son in only 4, and my husband is not really good at organising stuff, I also tend to have to be the one to make my own birthday special. I am also the only really crafty person in the family, so I tend not to receive anything that is hand made, only the materials/patterns so I can make things myself. I turn 35 next year, which has come around far too fast for my liking, I plan on doing something a little spectacular for myself…. I’m going to throw myself a tea party.

  8. Happy birthday Novita! I always enjoy your blog. I have two sons and live in California. My boys have enjoyed watching your grub grow (me too)! I can’t wait for it to become a beetle. That is going to be so very cool. The wallets are fabulous. I’m digging the green one with the bunnies. As for a birthday/age related story, in a couple months I will be 47 which, to me, sounds practically Dead! lol! Age hasn’t ever bothered me as I am very young at heart. But this year, more than any other, my face is betraying me with so many wrinkles. Bleh. I do not enjoy this part of growing older. I can’t say that I have ever been especially vain but watching my face turn into an old lady’s face is not so much fun. Luckily, I have big sunglasses. ;0) Cheers!

  9. Happy Birthday! And you do look younger than your real age!
    Are you japanese? My mom was born in Japan but I’m brazilian ^^
    I’m 28 now and I’d love to be 15 again :)
    Those wallets are all so pretty! The #4 is my fave.
    Thanks a lot for the chance and have a wonderful week!

  10. Hi Novita. Happy birthday to you! I will turn 29 next year (January 29). When you have 5 kids, all you could think of is just…the kids. So, it has been sooo looong since I received gifts for my birthday. I hope I’ll be the chosen one. But I like the organizer for kiddo, tho. Just love the design and makes me feel younger. It is good to feel young at heart :)


  11. ooh, i love the green one best! birthdays are funny things…i just turned 28 and i was thinking about when i was young and wanted to be older. when did that change to wanting to be younger?? the line was drawn somewhere, but i can’t recall when…maybe when i was 20? 21? or maybe it was after having my first child at 23. anyway, you’re only as old as you feel, right? :) happiest of birthdays to you!

  12. I love that green wallet- so cute! I turned 29 a couple of weeks ago, and it was such a lovely day. My son gave me my gift in the morning (a cute little necklace he had picked out for me) and then he went off to school and my parents took me out for a lovely quiet lunch. A lovely, low key birthday- just the way I like it. lol

  13. I would adore all of them, but if I have to pick, I’ll have to go for the stamp one.

    Or the green wreath one.

    Oh, I’m no good at choosing!

    My last birthday I decided to make my favorite cake. I even told others who offered to make me a cake that it was okay, that I made pretty good cakes and I knew exactly what I craved, so I’d take care of it. I told them all they needed to do was show up hungry.

    Then my oven broke. I didn’t know this when I started, of course, but when my lovely cake came out flatter than a pancake, I figured it out.

    And served it anyway, because it was too late to do anything else. It was, suffice to say, NOT the impressive cake I had been bragging about.


  14. I love the green one (#3)! I like to make last minute plans on the day of my birthday. I want to do exactly what I want that day, not what I planned a week before. This often means that friends can’t join me because of lack of notice, but I enjoy the small intimate groups that result. Happy birthday!

  15. Hey, happy belated birthday! You look so lovely and pretty in the photos :)
    And while talking about age, I am 24 y.o., but sometimes I just forget (read: am too lazy) to put make up on. And every time I get asked for an ID card while buying wine in the supermarket. Keep in mind, that legal drinking age in Lithuania is 18 😀 So awesome, do people think I am 17? 😀 But actually, all it matters is how you feel inside. If you feel like 19 y.o., that’s how other people see you too.
    Funny enough, I also like that cute wallet that you so nicely called “kids one”. We all have little kids inside when it comes to pretty things with sweet drawings :)
    Best wishes from Lithuania 😉


    My birthday is 29 of January and i will be 47 year s old,I dont really think about my age more then in the morning when my body is stift.So a little streching and i am back in buisness!The best birthday was when i was making breakfest and singing, my daughter said to me your not like other mom`s,so i laughed and said thanks ,that was the best compliment you could give med ,that make`d me happy!!
    Thank you for sharing with everything in your blog and i love all of your wallet s.

  17. I just love your blog. I look forward to reading a new blog from you, it’s probably because your life seems so interesting and you sew so beautifully. Your wallets are wonderful and would be a perfect replacement for my wallet that was stolen back in July. I haven’t bought a new one yet and I don’t know why but maybe a new wallet will be coming into my life soon in time for my birthday. My birthday is December 2, 1982 and I’ll be turning 28. I, also, am one of those persons that people can not believe that I am my age and the truth is, I’ve never been embarrassed to be the age I am. In fact, I’ve always wanted to be older, or at least, to have people think I was older. I, as yourself, am on the petite side and I think that kind of contributes to the younger look. I will be proud to be 28 this year and proud to show off any one of your wonderful wallets. They are all adorable.

  18. Happy Birthday! :) I’m twenty and people still think I look like I’m 16. It must be an asian thing that we don’t look our age xD I don’t have any cool birthday stories to tell you but I will be turning 21 in February!

    So I found you on Burdastyle from the BERNINA ‘Party Through the Decades’ competition of the fifty contestants yours stood out the most(of course I voted for you!) and now I am at your blog! :) I hope you win! :)))

    I love the #3 wallet but they all are so cute regardless.

    Have a great one and an even greater year! :)

  19. Just wanted to wish you a happy belated birthday and say that I am super excited for this giveaway. These wallets are incredibly cute, but I especially love the one with the delivery stamps. As far as birthdays go, they’re usually pretty low-key for me. I don’t like making a huge deal out of them, although I love the gifts (who doesn’t?!). I enjoy quiet dinners with family and maybe some close friends. I, too, get pegged for being much younger than I actually am. Im 23 and usually get told I look about 13-17. I guess it’ll come in handy when Im old and still look young and hot! haha.

  20. Wow!!! I would like to win this give away!! I like so much the stuffs you make!!
    I would like the kid’s one!! (because I’m an architect and I like houses!!).
    My birthday will be on 28th of February…I’ll turn 38 years old!! Like what happens to you, people always tell me I look younger! Well,…they still ask me if I’m going to university! :-)
    Usually I like looking younger. Sometimes I don’t like it, because I think people don’t think I’m big enough to do my job!! :-)
    I like birthday parties…every time in my family we have a big lunch, with all of us! It’s quite funny and I like to see all my family together!! Now I’m thinking to go and live in England, so I’m taking treasure of this moments, until I’m here!! I now, when I’ll live abroad, I couldn’t come for every birthday!
    Happy birthday again! And thank to make me think about all these things!!! :-)

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