Birthday giveaway! – CLOSED

SewNews Dec 2010/Jan 2011
As seen in Sew News magazine!

Thank you so much for all the sweet messages on my birthday post! I’m sorry if I couldn’t reply to all, but I read all the messages and they brought a warm feeling to my heart. Sidra was not feeling well and he didn’t go to school, while my husband was working at home, so all of us just stay at home today. But there were so many messages and best wishes from everybody from all over the world! Internet is wonderful and scary at the same time, isn’t it?

Anyway, it’s now time for a birthday giveaway! I love doing this! Do you recognize these organizer wallets? They were featured in Sew News magazine, December 2010/January 2011 issue. Here’s an online version of the tutorial in Sew News website. These wallets were sent back to me after Sew News magazine finished taking pictures of them, and they arrived just in time for my birthday giveaway!

Organizer wallets
Organizer wallets giveaway!

The men’s version (the black one with white cars) has been snatched by my husband, so I have the other 4 wallets available:

Organizer wallets

  1. Grey fabric with special delivery stamps pattern. Cotton with newspaper print for the inside. Cotton twill tie closure and wristlet strap.
  2. Turquoise flowers. Purplish double-gauze cotton for the inside. Magnetic closure and wristlet strap.
  3. Green fabric with wreath pattern. Purple and white stripes double-gauze cotton on the inside. Button and elastic closure and wristlet strap. Small brown doily detail on the outside.
  4. For kids! Wonky houses and roads. Dotted cream fabric on the inside. Magnetic closure and shoulder strap.

All outer fabrics are quality Japanese linen. The wallets measured 23×15 cm when closed and 23×30 cm when opened. More pictures of the wallets in my flickr album.

This giveaway is open to everyone, everywhere. To enter, just leave a comment telling me which wallet that you prefer. To make it more interesting than a ‘pick me! pick me!’ comment, I would love to hear about your birthday and age-related story/opinion!

Please make sure that you fill the email column correctly so I can contact you (the email won’t be published). I will select four winners at random and announce the names on Monday, December 13.

Good luck!

This giveaway is now closed. Thank you for participating!


  • I have a 20% off sale going on in my shop! Use the code VPPBDAY upon checkout to receive your discount! The code is valid until the end of this year.
  • And if you’re a member of Burdastyle, don’t forget to checkout the 50 finalists of the BERNINA ‘Party Through the Decades’ International Competition at Burdastyle and submit your vote to your favorite! My dress is there too, you can vote for it but only if you like it! ^_^

109 Responses to Birthday giveaway! – CLOSED

  1. I wish you a very happy afterbirthay day! I was so glad to se your giveaway, because i was planning to sew myself one of this organisers (i have already made the tissue holders and everyone liked them – i gave them to friends). i will wait a bit, if i get so lucky to randomly win one, otherwise i will make one myself. but probably i will make them anyway =)
    the one i like most is the delivery stamp one.
    i love reading your blog and you really are an inspiration to me, so i make more stuff… and you do certanly not look your age, so you know.
    Please keep posting more stuff, greetings to your family (including the giant worm thingy.
    klara from Slovenia

  2. Hello and happy birthday!
    Is it strange that I like the kids one? The print is just so cute and I guess I’m still a kid inside.
    Celebrating birthdays is one of my favorite things. I love baking cakes and putting together special cards or gifts. My birthday is coming up soon so I’m starting to get pretty excited! I will turn 24 on December 17. I haven’t decided how I will celebrate, but maybe I’ll go on an adventure in San Francisco with my cousin and my best friend. I can’t wait!

    • Oops! I forgot my story! I turned 26 this year and I had a realization that unlike my MIL I want to like growing old, I want to relish my gray hairs, dress like I’m 60 when I’m 60 (not 18) and I have been much happier not pressuring myself about fine lines or wrinkles ever since!

  3. I remember your other posting about the wallets being featured by the magazine, and was so happy for you!

    I love all the wallets, but if I had to choose one, I would say the Green fabric with wreath pattern.

    My birthday is on Christmas day, so I usually celebrate it either before or on January with friends, when everybody is back from vacation.

    Happy birthday Novita. I wish you a lot of Happiness, Love, and Peace on your special week.

  4. I was certainly open-eyed about your birthday but I forgot it. Anyway, happy birthday Novita! Hope you realy enjoy the time with your lovely family. I always thought that you are 29-32 years old. It was realy surprising to find out your real age. But anyway, I wanted to say that your work is inspiring for me and everytime I see a new project in your blog I smile. Always waiting an update hehe.

    About the birthday story, I have a nice one. It was in my 16 birthday. I don’t particulary do something special because My family is not particulary interested in birthday celebration things. (Is sad, actualy) For some reason I can’t remember I was very upset that day and I didn’t want to see anyone. But all my friends and boyfriend managed to tell me that they needed me in some place because a friend suffered an accident. Very concerned, I went to the place (a mall in front of my favorite sushi restaurant) I didn’t see any ambulance or something, in fact the street were very calm and normal . More concerned I entered to the restaurant to order some Ice tea and try to calm down myself and when I actualy looked the place all my friends, my boyfriend and even all workers in the sushi restaurant were holding a big poster with the phrase: “Happy birthday Cynthia!” and cake in front of them on a table. I was in tears and I can say that was the best and the most special moment in my birthday memories.

    Oh, about The wallets, the green one with bunnies is very cute :)

  5. Wow, i like them all and would be happy with any of them, but if i had to choose, definitely the green, because i see bunnies.

    As for birthdays, I love them. I always throw myself a party, and we have a great time. I am not afraid of getting older. This my husband smoked a huge turkey on the barbecue and we ate and drank with a backyard full of my closest friends. I love my birthday.

  6. They’re all lovely, but I *think* my favorite is the kids one. I’m 27 and have always thought I’d be going gray by this age, since my grandpa went gray early. My mom told me recently that her mom had only a few gray hairs at her temples when she died in her 60s, so now I’m holding on to the hope that I got those genes, instead! 😉

  7. I ABSOLUTELY love the gray/purple stamp wallet. Congrats for being featured. You do look so young–I have that same “condition” LOL! I agree with you that diffent ages actually don’t make you feel all that different. I turned 31 this year. My hope in my increasing age is that every year I grow wiser.

  8. Happy Birthday and thank you for sharing birthday love through this wonderful giveaway!

    I completely agree with how the inside of you doesn’t feel older or wiser even though the years pass pretty quickly. I’m 25 going on 26 (gosh, it still scares me sometimes – 26!!!) and really, numbers aside, just a want a bit more time to do what I love in life.

    I’m voting for the kid’s wallet, too cute!

  9. I like the wonky kids shoulder strap bag .

    On my 27th birthday i spent time with my dad and we went to a cafe to have lunch and then I got some pretty cool gifts as well . I really enjoyed spending time wuth my dad now that we are away , it was great to have those memories .

    tumblemumbo at gmail dot com

  10. Oooh! What a generous gift to give! These are so lovely! I especially love #3–the green one with the bunnies. :) So sweet.

    Also, I can totally relate to looking younger than I am. When my husband and I were flying home from Christmas at my inlaws’ house two years ago we also got asked if we were older than 15. Sheesh. I mean, I know we’re only in our 20’s and I know we both look pretty young, but younger than 15? Really? With wedding rings on?

    As for actual birthday stories, nothing super great is coming to mind, so I’ll just share this old favorite:

    In high school I was dating a boy who lived in a different city than I did. I think by the time my birthday rolled around we weren’t dating anymore, but we were still friends and I invited him to my birthday party. We still talk about that as the year “he made three girls cry at my birthday party.” (Luckily I wasn’t one of those girls.) Girl #1: he shot a party popper in her face and made her eye bleed. Girl #2: We were playing some game where you had to pass a big ball around and he threw the ball directly at the face of one of my friends with glasses. Girl #3: I honestly don’t remember, but I think it had something to do with the ball game too. Needless to say, he wasn’t a big hit among my friends from my hometown. But we remained friends anyway and now he and his wife life right next across from me and my husband here in our complex. It’s a pretty good thing we stayed friends all those years because my husband and I have been here at college so long that most of our friends have moved away and this friend and his wife are some of the only friends we spend time with anymore!

    Anyway, that is a weird story (especially since it is my life), but there you go. :)

  11. I love the green wallet with the little bunnies.. just turned 31 and still carrying around the wallet i got when i turned 22.. hot pink, with skulls and bows.. yeah.. it would be amazing to have something more classy and elegant to go with how i have grown up 😀

  12. happy birthday novita! i voted for your dress on burda because it’s timeless yet current and fashionable.

    i would love to win the gray fabric wallet. there are nice deep color tones on it. thanks so much for a great giveaway :)

  13. Hi, I would like the kids one, please!!
    And, as a birthday story: Well, I also don’t look quite my age as well (I just turned 35 a week ago), maybe because I am not a big fan of make up, I don’t know :-)
    Well, when I was about 25 I was travelling alone by airplane from my home city (Maracaibo,Venezuela) to another city in the same country (Puerto Ordaz) and the plane made a stop half way and I didn’t know it was supposed to make a stop, so I just waited inside the plane seeing how ALL the people was leaving. I thought…”maybe they are going to take more passengers here and continue the route”. Suddenly, a hostess came and asked why I was still in the plane, and I told her everything. She made a big surprise face explaining me the plane was not continuing and I had to leave, and before she let me talked she just started shouting to the other hostesses: “Hey!! There is a minor travelling alone (people under 16 must travel with an airline representative and with something hanging from your neck saying you are a minor), how could this be happening, OUTRAGEOUS, call someone now” Finally, when she calmed down I told her I was 25 and she continued shouting: “OH MY GOD!!! Come and see her, she is 25, see how young she looks” It was really silly that hostess, but she made me smile.
    Happy birthday and keep yourself YOUNG 4 EVER!!

  14. That green one with the bunnies is beautiful!
    I don’t have a lot to say about birthdays & age, mostly because I’m a still very young 23, but I don’t think that age can really define anyone. I have friends who are 14 and friends who are 54! I don’t think anyone truly ever “grows up” 100% & if they say they have, they’ve lost the ability to have fun.
    Happiest birthday to you!!

  15. Could you enter me for the grey/stamp one? (And the turquoise one if more than one is okay – they’re both lovely.)

    A number of my friends are a bit freaked out by the idea of turning 30, but for some reason it doesn’t bother me. Or 40 for that matter. Or 50. Or any other “milestone.” I just want to stay active no matter my age! :-)

  16. Hello,
    thanks for this nice give away! I would choose the turquoise one 😉

    Your entry is so true. Next week I am going to turn 32 and I still feel like 20. For sure – life has changed, I have my son and my own little family. But sometimes all this feels so unreal and I am a little bit scared when I look back and see how fast time has passed by until today.
    Knowing that we only do have one life, I try to enjoy the little happy moments and to live in the present more than the past or the future.

    Have a good day,
    greetings from far away

    PS: I love your blog and your sewings a lot!

  17. Happy Birthday dear Novita!
    I’ve been following you for quite some time now, and I absolutely love your blog! I wish you and your sweet family all the best! :)
    About birthdays: my brother and I are born on the same date, but with 6 years between us! I really love this coincidence, and it is a really sweet moment every year when we wish each other a happy birthday (“Happy Birthday!!” – “Yeah, you too!” 😉 ).
    AND I’m totally in love with wallet no. 3, the green one.
    Looking forward to your next post!

  18. I want the green one, because I love tea.

    This year´s birthday was so great. I met with my friends for tea (of course) and the weekend after I spend time with my parents. It was so much fun to see all the people I like.

  19. Thanks for the giveaway! It’s so hard to pick one, but I love the turquoise flowers wallet!

    About age/birthdays – it’s actually my birthday tomorrow! I turn 32 but most people often think I am much younger. Sound familiar?! A funny story – about 5 years ago, my husband and I were seated in the exit row of a plane. As per protocol, the stewardess came up to ask if we would be comfortable opening the exit in case of an emergency, etc, etc. She the proceeded to ask me if I was older than 15 years!! No kidding. I know I look younger than I am, but I certainly didn’t look 15! Now I have a couple of white strands of hair to help me prove my age :)

    Glad you could spend your 39th birthday with you family.

    • I’ve seen your pictures in your blog and you certainly look very young!
      Sometimes I think it is more difficult for people to estimate the age of other people from different race, simply because they are not used to it. Five years ago I was on an international flight to Netherlands and the stewardess gave me a coloring book! My friends had a good laugh over it ಠ_ಠ
      Oh, and I wish you a happy day tomorrow and ahead!

  20. Please enter me. I would like the stamps pattern because it would work perfectly for my Mister. He has spoiled me lately, and I’d love to return the favor. But if it is gone, I love the others too!

    A birthday story… This year, in August, my Mister told me to pack a bag for a week end, and he took me to a special location. It was fun, because he had printed the way on google maps and I was the navigator. I was only allowed a little piece of info at a time. It was like a treasure hunt!

    By the way, I really like your BRENINA dress on Burdastyle 😉

  21. I love the green one! (well actually all of them but I had to make a choice, right?) and happy birthday!
    thanks for hosting such a great giveaway!

  22. Well, goodness! I think I pretty much told you about today being my birthday, too, and then this post of yours popped into my Google Reader. I may be 68 today, but I adore the children’s wallet! I love whimsical things, but I also love the gray one with newsprint inside! I’m sure I would be very grateful for anything that you make; you are a gifted sewist! I found you through the Burda site (I just cut out your pattern for the reversible bag yesterday), and have been following the Bernina contest. I own a Bernina, love it more than any other possession, and I voted for your Autumn dress because it is just so classic and wonderful! I hope you win! Best wishes for the happiest of birthdays, Novita!

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