Nice weekend

Yesterday was a national holiday, so we had three days weekend! Sidra was very happy about it, seeing him so happy reminds me of the school days when a one day off was very appreciated because it meant one day without homeworks and one more night of sleeping late.

We went to Kayo‘s place on Saturday. I brought some Indonesian fried chicken that I have cooked meticulously… erm. Actually I’m not a good cook, so I used this magical sachet of instant spice paste to make the chicken. But they taste like homemade! On the other hand, Kayo has prepared real food for us. I think I learned one or two things by seeing her preparing food that day. Meanwhile, the boys were busy playing with their games while I watched Kayo cooking. Sorry for not being so much of a help!

Anyway, her place is such a lovely little den that fit her and her husband’s personalities so nicely. I can imagine them working together in there with love. Sidra was immediately attracted to Pixel, their ferret. She ran here and there and the way she hold things with her hands are just so cute! I think I want a ferret now.

Kayo and I had so many things to talk about. Not only about sewing and crafts, but also about life and other things. I visit her blog often, and read a lot about her sewing and life. But talking to her in person is different, yet somewhat familiar. It is a very nice feeling, actually. Thank you!  ^_^

At Kayo and Rejean's place
At Kayo and Rejean's place
Boys and their toys
Boys and their toys

The next day, we only went out in the morning because Sidra had to go to swimming school. Then we stayed at home the whole day, and my husband suddenly wanted to learn using sewing machine. I showed him how to thread the needle, my Janome has a built-in automatic needle threader, and my husband was especially surprised when I show him how it worked. The way he reacted reminded me of a little boy got surprised over a magic trick. It was so cute!

Of course he then got ambitious and instead of learning to sew straight stitches on scraps, he wanted to start embroider his T-shirt right away. I took off the sewing machine foot and he put his T-shirt on embroidery hoop, then off he went embroidering it. I’ve never embroidered with sewing machine before, so I wanted to try too. We took turn with the machine and came with this monkey face that looked like it was drawn with trembling hands. But we like it!

Learning to use sewing machine
Learning to use sewing machine

Our first machine embroidery! ^_^

And what is a nice time without some yummy dessert to top it off?

Ice cream time!
Ice cream time!

11 Responses to Nice weekend

  1. ahhh it’s so cute your husband was intrigued enough to learn how to use a sewing machine! my boyfriend want’s to learn too :) though at the moment he helps me to draw my patterns and cut them out because I’m not so good at that hehe! his monkey came out great!! x

  2. I have those same glasses with the blue elephants; fun to see them in another house halfway around the globe! Also very cool to see you husbands projects, and enthusiasm for leaning to sew. “Good work” to him.

  3. You should learn to cook, it’s not such a big deal. It’s a very good method to surprise the people you love.They will love you more:))

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